I just realized something that I didn't manage to find mentioned anywhere. So, here are the RWS 2 of Cups, the Fool and the High Priestess :

They don't look like exactly the same people, the difference between the Fool and the man in 2 of Cups is pretty big... but there are some similarities between them.
I wonder if this was on purpose and it is them or rather regular people in the real world that still embody part of the archetypes (hence similar clothing and looks but not the exact same features and physiognomy)...or if the creators were having the same symbols in mind and they just came up twice without them even realizing. This would explain why they look like different people too.
They are also united by the caduceus above their heads...and the Magician is sometimes connected to Hermes, including by Waite...and it is between the Fool and the High Priestess. Maybe this is me using my inferior Ni in "creative" ways but I'm really curious if you can see the similarities too. Especially in their clothes but also somewhat in their faces. Also the man in the 2 of Cups card is wearing a red crown, which looks similar to the feather on the Fool's head and the woman is wearing a green crown made of leaves, not very far from the ones on the veil behind the High Priestess.
They don't look like exactly the same people, the difference between the Fool and the man in 2 of Cups is pretty big... but there are some similarities between them.
I wonder if this was on purpose and it is them or rather regular people in the real world that still embody part of the archetypes (hence similar clothing and looks but not the exact same features and physiognomy)...or if the creators were having the same symbols in mind and they just came up twice without them even realizing. This would explain why they look like different people too.
They are also united by the caduceus above their heads...and the Magician is sometimes connected to Hermes, including by Waite...and it is between the Fool and the High Priestess. Maybe this is me using my inferior Ni in "creative" ways but I'm really curious if you can see the similarities too. Especially in their clothes but also somewhat in their faces. Also the man in the 2 of Cups card is wearing a red crown, which looks similar to the feather on the Fool's head and the woman is wearing a green crown made of leaves, not very far from the ones on the veil behind the High Priestess.