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Progressed Chart.

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    Progressed Chart.

    My chart progressions are uncanny! I have so much to say about this, I need to percolate before organizing it. Holy moly!

    One of the more obvious things I can point out is that my sun progressed from Libra to Scorpio when I was 4, and that is when I began turning into myself much more. I was in a jealous fury over my brother who was born when I was 2 and a half, but I was four when I started playing piano. Music became my sanctuary, where the darkness in my soul was unleashed, and I spared the rest of the world more and more, reserving my most bloody libido and passion for the arts.

    My sun progressed from Scorpio to Sagitarrius A FEW DAYS BEFORE I FIRST ENCOUNTERED MY SOULMATE! SERIOUSLY! It happened on a forum post so it's reasearchable, the exact date. Crazy!

    However, it has been in 8th house the whole time, so the influence of Scorpio energy on my sun is consistent.

    Do you have crazy chart progression stories? I'll elaborate more on why this is so uncanny... soon.

    How do you calculate progressed chart?


      Originally posted by Atelier View Post
      How do you calculate progressed chart? ---> Extended Chart Selection

      Then in "Chart Type," Select "Progressed Chart."


      Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2019-12-03 13.57.47.png
Views:	171
Size:	370.0 KB
ID:	3760


      • Mahat
        Mahat commented
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        thank you!

      • Mahat
        Mahat commented
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        I have a lot to say later

      • Animal
        Animal commented
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        Yayy! I wants to hear. I'll write more later too. Still so many beautiful back-posts to catch up on...

      How do you view movements, do you put in a certain date or what.


      • Animal
        Animal commented
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        Yes, select "Progressed chart" and then enter the date you want

      • Animal
        Animal commented
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        Does that make sense? Let me know if you're still confused and I'll post photos.

      Ok, I think I figured it out. I'm trying to make sense of Neptune in the 8th house.


        This is my natal chart
        Click image for larger version  Name:	natalchart2.png Views:	0 Size:	631.1 KB ID:	4576

        This is my progressed chart which commenced a month after I was born
        Click image for larger version  Name:	ezgif-5-76400fec8e70.png Views:	0 Size:	611.5 KB ID:	4577
        This is so weird to me because everything is falling into place and I don't know where to even begin. So I basically occupied my natal chart for about a month, and the second phase was the one that held the majority of the conscious influence over me for the duration of my life. To begin let's get an overview of the charts. From my understanding, your natal chart is not only the configuration of the planets in that moment, but your "base" personality. The progressed charts marks the internal shifts and stages in your personality. So while I am a Cancer sun at heart, I'm in a solar Leo phase of my personality and life. My priorities and focus have shifted but the core (solar Cancer) is still exerting its influence. My natal chart is hyper-feminine while my progressed chart is hyper-masculine. I almost see my natal chart as the unconscious especially since it only exerted its influence in the first month of my life. This could explain my conflict with the feminine principle within myself. Both the natal and progressed charts show an overabundance in feminine and masculine energy respectively, and there's a tension between both polarities. I won't go into much detail into the chart since I'll only go into the aspects that stand out to me.

        Leo and 12th house - My ascendant is in Leo, and my sun, mercury, and chiron is in Leo in the 12th house. My venus is barely in Leo (almost bordering into Virgo) and it's barely in the 1st house (it's basically on the border between the 12th and 1st). Leo is a fixed fire sign and it's associated with leadership, creativity & expression, drama, authority, grandeur, power, and passion. It's a larger than life sign. However certain transits and placements have dampened the vitality and expansiveness of the sign or at least made them less apparent. The transits are as follows:

        SPOILERSun conjunct AscendantSun conjunct MercuryMercury conjunct AscendanMercury-Chiron Chiron-Ascendant

        Last edited by Mahat; 12-09-2019, 05:27 AM.


          All of these transits are active in 12th house which is concerned with the unconscious both of the self and of the collective, secrets, isolation, and mysticism. The rays of the sun do not shine bright in the 12th house but rather is directed inward into the psyche, delving deep into the the realm of the unconscious, and this is further compounded with mercury in the 12th. However, Chiron, the aspect that signifies our deepest wound, is also situated in the 12th house and is connected to the sun, mercury, and ascendant (and venus). Throughout my life I've always had trouble verbally communicating my thoughts and that made me deeply self-conscious. Generally speaking, my ego wounding was centered around my intellect and intellectual abilities (mercury-chiron) and that deeply affected my identity and how I creatively expressed myself (mercury-chiron-sun-ascendant in Leo). My talents and shine only emerged later in life as if they needed to be gradually unconsciously processed first in order to be manifested. There is a deep disconnect from my own vitality and essence, something that must be accessed and battled within the subterranean bowels of the psyche:
          Click image for larger version  Name:	9f8eb80f3dded0ca130f20add3446f60.jpg Views:	0 Size:	116.7 KB ID:	4579
          Last edited by Mahat; 12-09-2019, 05:30 AM.


            Atelier so do to a progressed chart, you do it for one month after you were born?


            • Mahat
              Mahat commented
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