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Food & Drink Porn

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    Food & Drink Porn

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Name:	9D9D91F9-E186-413E-B872-85C0AE448692.jpeg
Views:	139
Size:	93.2 KB
ID:	1028

    Post a pic of what you are, cooking, eating or drinking, including if you want to, the recipe, restaurant or shop.

    I am having a cup of local apple cider boiled in a pot on the stove with local organic honey and ground cloves added, poured into a Starbucks mug and added a thin slice of orange.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	991C3657-5C6F-4DC1-B61E-FA01C1305066.jpeg
Views:	345
Size:	188.2 KB
ID:	1140
    Halloween night Chilli coconut Shrimp and Rice ??

    Frozen Coconut shrimp environmentally sourced in BC

    - baked on cookie sheet for 30 minutes (flipping at half time)

    Basmati rice with coconut, cilantro, lemongrass and chilli peppers
    • Rice cooker and added from herbal cupboard.
    Mixed shrimp and rice in a bowl after they were cooked with a homemade sweet hot pepper sauce and served hot with a purple skull goblet of sparkling water.


      I love this thread. Haha. I need to get some good photos to post
      The day is done, and the darkness

      Falls from the wings of Night,

      As a feather is wafted downward

      From an eagle in his flight.

      I see the lights of the village

      Gleam through the rain and the mist,

      And a feeling of sadness comes o'er me

      That my soul cannot resist:

      A feeling of sadness and longing,

      That is not akin to pain,

      And resembles sorrow only

      As the mist resembles the rain.


      • ledyanoy
        ledyanoy commented
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      This is an awesome thread idea. I have a block against looking at food when I'm not eating.. I'm what would be described as extreme "HSP" and it does something to me. So I prob won't post. But I'm really glad the thread is here. The OP apple cider looks amazing.


      • ledyanoy
        ledyanoy commented
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      • RALA
        RALA commented
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        ledyanoy ''hate'' might be too strong of a word to use for this, it's not a big problem for me, I was just saying. I just went and made myself a sandwich and that was that lol. But it looks too ugly and uninteresting to post a pic of it hahaha

      • ledyanoy
        ledyanoy commented
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        RALA, ? got it.



      • Animal
        Animal commented
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        Oh yeah don't worry, it doesnt hurt me at all Nor does it offend me. It's easy enough to just.. not look at the thread. I just wanted to express appreciation for an idea that was good for the forum but to let you know why I might not participate as much