Hey guys !
I still have trouble in reading reversed cards and I would love to know what techniques you use to read them.
I've mostly seen reversals being interpreted as the complete opposite meaning of the upright card, as the card's energy being hindered, restricted or delayed, as the card upside down, as the card's meaning manifesting in the inner world as opposed to the outer world or as a dark expression of the card's essence.
My main issue is that I like to have a reliable system for my readings. Intuition is important, but we have card descriptions precisely because intuition is there to connect the dots and to do some extrapolating work and not to create a whole story on no particular basis.
So, do you use reversals? Do you have a certain upright - reversed ratio that you try to keep - like 50%-50% or 2/3 of the cards upright and 1/3 reversed? Or do you shuffle them randomly, without thinking about it?
Do you have a golden rule for reversals interpretation or do you simply go by gut feeling, having some general points in mind that you start from?
Do you have any interesting sources about reversals?
I liked this article and I thought it might be helpful :
It does not cover all possibilities but I think it's a good start.
There are also tarot decks that have meanings for reversals in the little book that comes with them...but others don't. I am currently using The Wild Unknown Tarot deck and I haven't found any good resources out there about reversals...though some of the cards are absolutely amazing when seen reversed ! I could go on about it for pages but I would like to keep this thread general and not go into specific decks yet.
I still have trouble in reading reversed cards and I would love to know what techniques you use to read them.
I've mostly seen reversals being interpreted as the complete opposite meaning of the upright card, as the card's energy being hindered, restricted or delayed, as the card upside down, as the card's meaning manifesting in the inner world as opposed to the outer world or as a dark expression of the card's essence.
My main issue is that I like to have a reliable system for my readings. Intuition is important, but we have card descriptions precisely because intuition is there to connect the dots and to do some extrapolating work and not to create a whole story on no particular basis.
So, do you use reversals? Do you have a certain upright - reversed ratio that you try to keep - like 50%-50% or 2/3 of the cards upright and 1/3 reversed? Or do you shuffle them randomly, without thinking about it?
Do you have a golden rule for reversals interpretation or do you simply go by gut feeling, having some general points in mind that you start from?
Do you have any interesting sources about reversals?
I liked this article and I thought it might be helpful :
It does not cover all possibilities but I think it's a good start.
There are also tarot decks that have meanings for reversals in the little book that comes with them...but others don't. I am currently using The Wild Unknown Tarot deck and I haven't found any good resources out there about reversals...though some of the cards are absolutely amazing when seen reversed ! I could go on about it for pages but I would like to keep this thread general and not go into specific decks yet.
