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    this one says "I've gotten very good at using my seductive skills to give meaning to myself, but as deeply satisfying as this is, part of my still feels empty for something more. something more virile, something to fight for/against"


      I first thought, this word is vaguely familiar, it's English I've never seen perhaps. Then I realized, oh yeah I speak Dutch, it's dutch for bird.

      Feels like this is about the power in freedom, but also the desire to break away and the satisfaction that comes with it.
      "Distress, whether psychic, physical, or intellectual, need not at all produce nihilism.
      Such distress always permits a variety of interpretations."



        Yeah, it's the Dutch word xD
        The collage was indeed meant to show tension between freedom and constraints, and the dizziness that freedom and choice (free will) bring (I was inspired by type 6 for this).
        Sleep on the Ceiling - Erosian Exile


          *checks your instinctual stacking*
          yup! called it!



            Sleep on the Ceiling - Erosian Exile


              If I get a little prettier, can I be your baby?
              Click image for larger version

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ID:	8183


              • Animal
                Animal commented
                Editing a comment
                If that's you in the profile picture, you are already quite pretty.

              • Animal
                Animal commented
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                Personally I like your look more than hers but that's just my taste.

              • Princess of Hearts
                Princess of Hearts commented
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                Oh it's not me, I WISH haha
                But she's definitely closer to my vibe than Ariana Grande

              Sometimes I like to make collages when I feel anxiety.


                It all started with the arctic fox
                Click image for larger version

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ID:	8190


                  Click image for larger version

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ID:	8195


                    even more convinced now: Sx 2, but specifically one who is strongly attracted to 8s


                      It has very sparkly quality that I've seen associated with Sp-last. But said sparkliness also feels 2/3ish, but it's harder to say if So just based on this... your Slytherin-collage "feel" more Sp, but then again a Slytherin-theme is So as well.


                        In general I feel more dusky with some sparkle than straight up bright, my collage in image ideal thread captures it perfectly. I actually put a darkening filter over this one too to make it feel more 'me', but my screen is always really dark so I underestimate just how bright everything actually looks lol
                        I do like the mix of bright, sparkly and dusky, mysterious elements, they help bring each other out.

                        As for Slytherin one, I would say 'attracted to 8s' is a good interpretation, it is partly about someone with at the least significant 8 influence and inspired by similar themes, and well, it's SLYTHERIN :P
                        There are obvious So themes, but I imagined them as more like a background or like So world is just a playground, means to some unrelated ends.
                        Also vaguely inspired by the person in my profile pic
                        Last edited by Princess of Hearts; 03-01-2020, 01:07 PM.


                          Mm, So-as-playground could make sense for SxSo...


                            Children of the Atom

                            Sleep on the Ceiling - Erosian Exile


                              Click image for larger version

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