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Practicing Seduction

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    Practicing Seduction

    Are you having trouble figuring out how to be seductive? Failing to get people interested?

    Let's play a game.

    You can practice by trying to seduce someone on this forum. Obviously it's not the same as seducing in person, but many people meet their soulmates online. I did! So why not start here?

    Here's how the game will work. You will be matched up with another member who you can try to seduce, and that member will give you honest feedback on whether it's working. You can try with a few people.

    Sign up your name if you want practice seducing, or if you'd like to be seduced and offer thoughtful critique.

    If you are here for practice, expect for this to hurt a little. The person you're seducing should be critical, to help you. However, I'll also request that neither person act like an asshole, insult each other and be gratuitously rude.

    So?? Let's sign up! Answer the thread and try it out.



    • ledyanoy
      ledyanoy commented
      Editing a comment
      Spot the expert ?

    Hey !

    Hmmm...well I would be ok with assessing someone's seduction abilities... Actually I would love to help other people improve their seduction skills by giving feedback. <3

    But I wouldn't try to seduce anyone right now.


      Lol, there is no way I can seduce someone on command, but I want to watch other people try.
      The day is done, and the darkness

      Falls from the wings of Night,

      As a feather is wafted downward

      From an eagle in his flight.

      I see the lights of the village

      Gleam through the rain and the mist,

      And a feeling of sadness comes o'er me

      That my soul cannot resist:

      A feeling of sadness and longing,

      That is not akin to pain,

      And resembles sorrow only

      As the mist resembles the rain.


      • ledyanoy
        ledyanoy commented
        Editing a comment
        I know right? And how is this possible online? I know people have done it, but that it happens still has me going ?

      • Animal
        Animal commented
        Editing a comment
        Daeva and I seduced each other online....

      • Animal
        Animal commented
        Editing a comment
        To me there's a large component in what ISN'T being said. Someone might argue: but we're online! All you see is words!
        But this isn't true. People change their avatars, like posts, answer certain posts etc to communicate something over time. For me, seduction is not a one shot deal nor is it about "the particular conversation in the moment." It's a commitment to get deep inside, learn what he's about, and express myself to him. If I were to participate on this thread I'd take the seduction OFF the thread and push buttons in other contexts too.

      Casually posts cat picture to seduce Volcana
      The day is done, and the darkness

      Falls from the wings of Night,

      As a feather is wafted downward

      From an eagle in his flight.

      I see the lights of the village

      Gleam through the rain and the mist,

      And a feeling of sadness comes o'er me

      That my soul cannot resist:

      A feeling of sadness and longing,

      That is not akin to pain,

      And resembles sorrow only

      As the mist resembles the rain.


        Originally posted by Arya View Post
        Casually posts cat picture to seduce Volcana
        Cattttttttt purrrrrrr

        Click image for larger version

Name:	Photo on 10-22-19 at 6.32 PM.jpg
Views:	260
Size:	118.4 KB
ID:	244


          Could be interesting, sign me up.


            Oh this should be good. I'm more like mist in my seductions, so this overtness is intimidating.
            Yes, sign me up


              can't teach it.






                    Lol I guess u're kidding


                      Sorry guys, I have been really busy and not posting for months. We should start this up again!

