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7 Deadly Sins

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    7 Deadly Sins

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    I love how the frustration types (1, 4, and 7) all have those similar type of .. well... frustrated eyes. She really captured the nuances there! Too bad she didn't do all 9 sins.

    I wasn't as crazy about lust as the others. What do you guys think? Also, feel free to share other depictions of sins (including fear and deceit) that you're drawn to.


    • BalalaikaBoy
      BalalaikaBoy commented
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      my eyes are like lust

    • Eclipsed
      Eclipsed commented
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      you can't see the eyes in lust

    • Daeva
      Daeva commented
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      lol ...(10 characters)

    Envy was a slam dunk

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      My demeanor and eyes are slothier than the sloth portrayal portrayed. They look more like my avi
      Last edited by Eclipsed; 02-04-2020, 02:12 PM.


      • BalalaikaBoy
        BalalaikaBoy commented
        Editing a comment
        the sloth eyes looked more like an Sp 8 to me lol

      Artist is Alex Rodway


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        Would only upload 5 images. Annoying. Here's Gluttony and Sloth:

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          I think the second one is more dreamy than anything else. Dreamy with an edge. I prefer the first image as it full encompasses my own relationship with sloth.


          • Melancholia
            Melancholia commented
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            right, and I remember her saying she didn't identify with the things about 9 sloth that relate to depression descriptors.

          • SpiritoftheGael
            SpiritoftheGael commented
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            Melancholia Animal yeah to me there is no such thing as depression. I am frantic and anxious, which can lead to procrastination for sure (because I feel overwhelmed so I hide), but the anxiety is felt so painfully that it can't last for that long, especially because it is very obvious to me what the problem is. Also I hate anxiety so much I am more likely to go barreling through a problem at full force to make it disappear as fast as possible. I will say this doesn't always work very well and I spend time fruitlessly kicking at things.

          • RALA
            RALA commented
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            yeah, I don't feel like it encompasses me either

          Melancholia Animal I wrote this poem back in 2013. Being in a constant state of fight or flight is pretty normal for me, which is why I'm the person who bounces their leg while sitting almost 24/7 and picks at my lips. But I find it very hard to calm down because I'm always trying to stay mentally prepared. I am learning to communicate with people more when I need help or need more time though because usually I just hide and feel like I have to do everything on my own and understand everything on my own which has lead to ridiculous pressure on myself. Things are definitely better when I just tell people that I don't understand.

          Fight or Flight
          The world crumbles before her eyes
          Into an empty pit of nothingness,
          With nightmares haunting her steps, whispering lies.
          Fight! comes the steady call, beating her 'round her ears;
          Without hope, without path in site, she fights
          Thrashing and kicking to beat back all fear.
          Crushed into pain, she flees to hide out the day,
          Nothing but a ghost, her consciousness leaves
          Lost in a foreign land, she looks for her way;
          Fight! comes the call and her consciousness returns
          To continue her mad trample through life
          Voice screaming, "All is broken, no place to turn,
          Fight till the end; you must never give in."
          She halts amid her ruin and glory
          Peaceful silence reigning through the din.
          The world calms, entropy losing its hurry
          And then she sees her violent shadow
          Ready to engulf her in its fury.
          Then, she finally sees to her profound dismay,
          That none but herself has stood in her way.
          The day is done, and the darkness

          Falls from the wings of Night,

          As a feather is wafted downward

          From an eagle in his flight.

          I see the lights of the village

          Gleam through the rain and the mist,

          And a feeling of sadness comes o'er me

          That my soul cannot resist:

          A feeling of sadness and longing,

          That is not akin to pain,

          And resembles sorrow only

          As the mist resembles the rain.

