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Intro to Cognition for Newcomers

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    Intro to Cognition for Newcomers

    Although Jung's theory of cognition has been explored through many avenues - Socionics, Meyers-Briggs, Cognitive Type - there are still some basic principles which carry through all of these. So, let's have an intro thread. If you just met someone and wanted to tell them what cognition is, perhaps introducing the different theories or notations -- how would you explain it to them? Perhaps as a group we can create a thread with a simple introduction. So if you have ideas on how to introduce basics, have at it!!!

    Jungian Cognitive Functions from Carl Jung's Psychological Types

    Extraverted Feeling (Fe):

    Introverted Feeling (Fi):

    Extraverted Thinking (Te):

    Introverted Thinking (Ti):

    Extraverted Intuition (Ne):

    Introverted Intuition (Ni):

    Extraverted Sensing (Se):

    Introverted Sensing (Si):


      A thread on Lenore Thomsom's description of cognitive functions

      A short summary of Dario Nardi's description of the cognitive functions


        John Beebe's 8 Function Model

        Last edited by Mahat; 03-29-2020, 06:07 PM.


          Someone's Summary Chart of Cogntive Functions That I Found In a Socionics Group: Ti and Te

          Click image for larger version

Name:	Tichart.jpg
Views:	250
Size:	167.3 KB
ID:	8857
          Click image for larger version

Name:	TeChart.jpg
Views:	203
Size:	216.0 KB
ID:	8858


            Si and Se
            Click image for larger version

Name:	SiChart.jpg
Views:	252
Size:	138.8 KB
ID:	8860
            Click image for larger version

Name:	SeChart.jpg
Views:	201
Size:	214.6 KB
ID:	8861


              Ni and Ne
              Click image for larger version

Name:	NiChart.jpg
Views:	187
Size:	213.3 KB
ID:	8863
              Click image for larger version

Name:	NeChart.jpg
Views:	193
Size:	186.0 KB
ID:	8864


                Fi and Fe
                Click image for larger version

Name:	FiChart.jpg
Views:	219
Size:	147.4 KB
ID:	8866
                Click image for larger version

Name:	FeChart.jpg
Views:	236
Size:	181.2 KB
ID:	8867


                  Bookmark post for Auburn 's Cognitive Typology

                  coming soon

                  EDIT: I was going to do a long outline, but Aubs outlines his model pretty extensively here. Happy reading! Also check the CT forum for article updates.

                  Last edited by Mahat; 03-31-2020, 01:05 PM.


                    Foundational Basics

                    The basic premise of cognitive type starts with three ideas...

                    1. Humans are either predominantly introverted or extraverted in how they accumulate and process data. Introversion leans toward personally determined elements of the world, while Extraversion takes it all in objectively.
                    2. Human realms of thought have two basic fields, perception and judgement.
                    3. In the individual psyche, one thought realm (perception or judgement) begins as predominant above the other until the individual grows further in mind.

                    As a basic premise, therefore, as you mature in early childhood, you first solidify your preference for Introverted or Extraverted information processing, then your preference as a Judger or Perceiver (dominant).

                    Judgement splits into two variants - Thinking and Feeling. Thinking is more "objective", based in a starkly interlocked view of the world. Such as seeing it in puzzle pieces that fit together or systems that manage it. Feeling is more "subjective", based in how people coexist...reading the world in terms of values or emotional states.

                    Perception splits into Sensing and Intuition. Sensing scans the world for what is concretely there, while Intuition sort of fills in the cracks to see the "rest of the picture".

                    The information about "functions" above is derived by attaching the Introverted or Extraverted orientation to each of these fields of thought, hence you get functions or information elements.

                    At the top of your psyche, then, is a single information element that tends to dominate your mentality about the world - not in specific content, but in shape. You can have two Fe (extraverted Feeling) users, for example, who have completely different values and come to different conclusions based on their viewpoint because the content in their upbringing, history and current world is different -- but the shape of their thoughts are both Fe first and foremost.

                    And at the bottom of your psyche is the lower (or "inferior") function that complements your top. If you are an Fe (extraverted Feeling) dominant type, for example, the underbelly of your mind is supporting that through Ti (introverted Thinking), because you cannot have rounded out judgement of the world without both Feeling and Thinking involved. The pattern here is that the inferior is the opposite E/I orientation from the top, because if it were the same orientation they would provide conflicting information. Generally that inferior function will work under the hood unless something in your life calls attention to it or triggers it to (in CT terms) "develop".

                    In a way, therefore, finding your dominant function - and therefore also the inferior - is a harkening back to your cognitive roots.


                      Bump! Are there any simple books that y'all would recommend for a newbie? Or maybe it'd make sense to put together a booklet of information as a group effort?

