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Type the SCENERY near where you live

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    Type the SCENERY near where you live

    I live in Eastern Kansas, where I'd say the landscape is something along the lines of 9w1>5w4>3w4 Sp/So~strongside. normally I don't use ranges with instinctual stackings, but in this case, I think it describes it well because the overall bucolic, but with splashes of more intense, Sx/Sp-ish allure. the overall feel is peaceful and comforting, but those occasional splashes are the exciting part, and tend to catch people by surprise "wait WHAT?! that's Kansas? I thought y'all were all plains, tumble weed and prairie dogs"

    5w4 fix because it's calm, contemplative and easy to hide in if one wants to be isolated. there are also several pockets that look like a straight up witch would live there, and even some communities of houses outside the city that look like vampires would live there.

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      864 Sp/so for the city and surrounding areas. Industrial, pre WWII architecture, abandoned buildings, graffiti, blight, gritty, hard, Art Deco and Brutalist architecture, and further out some blocks with only a few houses, the rest being burned down, abandoned, or empty fields where houses used to stand. Yet despite all it's darkness, there's something beautiful about it.

      Elsewhere in the state, 973. Some of the most beautiful beaches in the world, lakes, small towns built up around the shores. Peaceful sunsets on the lakes, blankets of snow in the winter.

      Detroit, Michigan.


      • BalalaikaBoy
        BalalaikaBoy commented
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        omg it really is you. I thought you and Erica had a falling out. I guess not =O

      • PleasureToBurn
        PleasureToBurn commented
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        Really who?

      • Animal
        Animal commented
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        Me & D. are cool We had a fight a while back, like over a year ago? But we apologized and got over it pretty fast. Usually I express my anger fast and then get over it completely. When I don't bother to express it and just block someone, that's when you know they're not coming back.