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Enneagram Rants & Controversial Opinions

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    Enneagram Rants & Controversial Opinions

    BalalaikaBoy style

    This is a rant thread. It's only as serious or "well studied" as you want it to be. Newcomers, take note that there are other threads better for concrete information - this thread is for people to share their personal reactions, offhanded theories, random observations etc.

    Everyone boasts about "you don't want to fuck with an 8" or "watch out for the 5s."

    Personally, I would not want to come between a 3 and their dream. That's the last place I'd want to be.


    • BalalaikaBoy
      BalalaikaBoy commented
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      this. so much this

    you have Balalaika's seal of approval

    Click image for larger version

Name:	raw.png
Views:	464
Size:	104.6 KB
ID:	7686


    • Animal
      Animal commented
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    Here's one: Milo is likely an 8w7 in disguise who just looks less 8 because he's a troll


      Originally posted by BalalaikaBoy View Post
      Here's one: Milo is likely an 8w7 in disguise who just looks less 8 because he's a troll
      I love the theory but I think people just don't get what four really is. I mean this is why I mistyped (briefly and tentatively) at 8. O=)

      4, 6, and 8 are all reactive types. They can all make a loud show out of it. And this leads to my controversial opinion which is pretty accepted here but not elsewhere.

      Oops, now several hours later, I moved this rant to the four notepad. It's better off there since it also includes many non-controversial opinions, and serves more as a four guideline.
      Last edited by Animal; 01-24-2020, 08:16 PM.


      I mean, my go-to example of 4 is Maria Callas. she doesn't do any of those things. I've never held such opinions about 4s

      Scarlett is not a 4 though. she's a 2, maybe a 3, but not a 4.


      • Animal
        Animal commented
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        Also I didn't mean to imply it's your opinions. The post just prompted me to address common misconceptions. I know that's not your opinion or you wouldn't even consider four for me.

      • BalalaikaBoy
        BalalaikaBoy commented
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        fair enough

      • Animal
        Animal commented
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        I'll write that in the post

      4 and 5 are "withdrawn but talkative". 4s, 5s, 8s and 1s are the types least likely to talk about having "the courage to speak their mind" because all of these are relatively outspoken types that don't seek consensus with regards to their opinions.


      • BalalaikaBoy
        BalalaikaBoy commented
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        other types can be (many 7s, 6s are hit and miss), but these are the types for whom this trait is relatively endemic.

      • Animal
        Animal commented
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        Agreed makes sense.

      • BalalaikaBoy
        BalalaikaBoy commented
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        some 7s are actually conflict-avoidant to a point that is even more cowardly than 6. when 7s are immature, they're REALLY immature

      1) on balance, 8s and 1s are far more loyal than 6s. many 6s are mutinous as fuck and basically only loyal to people who can support them for as long as they can support them.
      2) Mother Teresa was a 1
      3) 8 isn't actually all that "street smart". remember that 8 is second only to 5 in being under-social and having a poor understanding of human relations. no, the most street smart types are 3s, 7s and, it may surprise some, but...9s and 2s. if 8s are street smart, it's developed later, not a natural skill


      • Vive
        Vive commented
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        1) Mutinous as fuck, huh. Hmm, I don't know, I think it really depends on the six, but I do certainly believe the focus that most of the literature has on loyalty really doesn't hold true in a lot of cases.

        3) I don't necissarily think that type 8's have to be that way. My dad is a social 8 and honestly, he's pretty social. He maintains a large network, he makes sure to visit them every so often, if they return the favor. If people fail to reciprocate, my dad has no qualms cutting them out of his life. He has had to learn how to restrain himself, as my dad is not the most subtle in his delivery and he can be a harsh judge of character.
        He's a pretty good judge of character, and good at understanding relationships, as long as something is not rubbing him the wrong way. When something/someone manages to trigger his anger, his reasonableness also goes a bit out of the window, but in general I would call him street smart.

        Also isn't street smarts per definition something you learn by having a lot of experiences, or by learning things the 'hard way'? I'd hardly see street smarts as something natural in anyone. Of course there are things different people are better at then others, but I think street smarts are wider in scope than just one skill.

      Perhaps 4, 5, and 9 can all be vampiric in the sense that they all take something from the world (emotion, information, energy) - and pull it into themselves, withdrawing responsibility toward the outside world and its 'sources,' and attending to the issue inside them. They feed on input from outside, but the outside is not 'their world,' especially in the case of 4 and 5 - who are separate. The 9 is fused but never fully present, so they take on others' energy. For four it's the introjection (sublimating emotional experiences with others into their personal mythology) and for fives straight up avarice (withholding the extent of their knowledge while probing the world outside). I understand 9 the least but this thought just occurred to me. Because the people I've seen relating the most to the vampire archetype in THIS sense is the 4, 5 and 9 -- feeding on a world outside to fuel the one inside (4 and 5) and living vicariously through someone else's energy (9). The 9 , out of this bunch, is more dependent on the other person's physical presence - whereas the 4 and 5 can build up a whole separate universe around it and draw from that. But for four the emotions are fuel and for fives it's the mental stimulation. This also speaks to the lines to 2 and 7. Other types might relate to the vampire archetype more in the sense of using people to get something done, being interpersonally needy, needy for attention etc. But in the way I understand it - a vampire is inherently separate from the world of the living - and simply feeds on it for fuel, but occupies their own separate lair of the immortal. The inner world is immortal because it is not flesh so it cannot die.


        Not all sixes have authority issues.

        Gut types (when unhealthy or displaying unhealthy-ish behavior) can have a pride that's just man-child like sometimes. Just refusing to change, or to realize what they're doing in the moment, because they are too proud to recognize their misstep. Pride can be as poisonous as fear can be, just in a very different way. It's not just gut types, I've got a very good friend who's a 3 that also admits to having serious issues stepping over his pride.

        In my experience, type 9's are generally not softies, they are often far tougher than portrayed in descriptions. Most aren't even necessarily what I would refer to as peace-keepers. I've seen some nine's almost steamroll over others, and yet, when it really matters to them, that's where they are soft, or at least confused or even simply asleep to what they want.
        "Distress, whether psychic, physical, or intellectual, need not at all produce nihilism.
        Such distress always permits a variety of interpretations."



        • BalalaikaBoy
          BalalaikaBoy commented
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          resident stubborn son of a bitch and gut type at your service. most of this is true

        Naranjo's Sx 4 description is not what a 4 looks like. it's what an unhealthy Sx 8 gay man looks like (*waves*)


        • Animal
          Animal commented
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          Haha yess!

        Collage typing seems..iffy to me. Collage making is fun, but I'm just not sure a bunch of pictures you like can get the full scope of your personality. I find a lot of "intense" stuff attractive, but it I don't really like intensity when it's not artwork. I wonder if the intensity is speaking to my Fi though, because intensity often means there's a lot of emotional depth to things.

        Plus, there is just so much room for interpretation with pictures. Roses represent love, but they are also steroetypically 4ish. I remember making a collage and I put some hearts it in which made people think 2. They were like these 8 bit hearts in a row, but for me they were supposed to represent nostalgia and a hidden darkness(cause they were losing life), which I think is 9-4. Rain is gloomy and may make people think 4, but it's also very peaceful for some people and could mean 9. Swords can mean justice for a 1 or protectiveness for an 8, and so forth. And yeah, if you asked me to make a collage, you don't know what you'll get. I've done one with a globe and a chunky seal, one with girls drenched in rain and one with dogs and anime nature backgrounds. I got so/sp, sp/sx and sp/so from those.

        So yeah. I actually really like to make collages and it's cool seeing what they get typed as, but I'm just skeptical.


        • Animal
          Animal commented
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          Collages are just one part of a very large picture. I don't think anyone here would type someone just based on collages. The collages are another piece of the puzzle along with posts, videos, photos, long discussion, etc - but no singular piece is taken out of context with the others.

          That said, our interpretations are not as shallow as "roses are fourish" or "rain is fourish." It's far deeper than that. If people are interpreting collages with such lame, surface interpretations, then no wonder it would seem like a stupid exercise.

        Here are some:

        -Most 3s are boring as fuck. Play it too safe, too conservative, and are only risk takers if it will advance their position.

        -7s can dish it but they can rarely take it when someone returns fire. They get over shit quickly because they're too fragile to be in any level of distress for any prolonged length of time.

        -6s and 2s are the loose cannons. Ticking time bombs and all it takes is a few unfortunate circumstances until shit hits the fan and the fireworks start.

        -Sp7s and Sx9s are underrated. To a lesser extent Sp3s too. Gotta keep an eye on them or they'll blindside you coming out of nowhere.


          I love how when I was typing at 6, talk of feeling "different" in any way got me mocked. But then when I was seen as a type 4 it was suddenly more acceptable. Because apparently only 4s and 5s are allowed to masturbate themselves raw over how different they are.



            Subtypes, subwings, stacks, flows, and any other such idea, have no feet in reality or in the Enneagram.

            Sleep on the Ceiling - Erosian Exile


            • [redacted]
              [redacted] commented
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              What about tritype? It also seems to complicate things.