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Prosopon, Persona, and Identity

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    Prosopon, Persona, and Identity



    Last edited by Mahat; 10-27-2019, 05:04 PM.

    To expand upon this more - It is hard for me to make a narrative out of identity. I know what I like, dislike, what I care about, what I value, and so on but to crystallize my identity into a cohesive entity is out of my reach. There's a dysphoria of the self, a sort of self-alienation where I don't feel entirely at home in the self. I can identity the various components of the home like the kitchen and living room but I can't picture the the house in it's entirety both internally and externally.


      I think one's core identity is moving and changing at every second, just like faces do. A person's face remains recognizable (or at least it has some consistencies over time), but changes a lot over both longs spans of time and very short spans of time.

      In a very small temporal span your facial expressions can change ever so slightly. I think these facial expressions are like the masks. From angry, to sad and somewhere in between. Your face changes in expression, but it is still your face. Yet you might consciously use it communicate a message, or it might unconsciously send someone a message about something you were not yet aware of. Thing is, it is hard to maintain a certain expression for a long time and you cannot keep conscious control over everything all the time. A mask/expression is merely a part of you, it is merely temporary, but it might return, perhaps often. A mask is both, it can be pragmatic and preservative, but when you use it, it becomes part of you.

      And over long spans of time the face gains scars, gets changed and grows older. Even identity changes, often slowly, but it it always has a certain consistency. There's a consistent layout in the composition of the face: the color of the eyes, the shape of the mouth, etc, etc. A face is however never truly the same. It is influenced by the outside world at every turn and by inner forces. We all have personalities, and we will display consistencies, but even those might change and morph a little over time.

      I don't think an identity can truly be crystallized, because it isn't, it's fluid.
      "Distress, whether psychic, physical, or intellectual, need not at all produce nihilism.
      Such distress always permits a variety of interpretations."



        I don't know who the hell I am - but I have been obsessed with finding my identity for most of my life.
        Sleep on the Ceiling - Erosian Exile


          Originally posted by Vive View Post
          I think one's core identity is moving and changing at every second, just like faces do. A person's face remains recognizable (or at least it has some consistencies over time), but changes a lot over both longs spans of time and very short spans of time.
          I don't think an identity can truly be crystallized, because it isn't, it's fluid.
          I beg to differ.
          Click image for larger version

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          I will come back to this. Brilliant posts, wonderful thoughts, so much to say!


            I wear a suit of anonymity. I present the mean, the norm, the one you will never remember. Charcoal grey slim pants and a white fitted shirt, in trend not outstanding basic pink gold necklace barely visible and black coat and black ankle boots, like almost everyone else. I drive the exact same car, only mine is grey and live in the identical house to my neighbour. I speak only when necessary and say the right things. I fit the scenery does.


              Last edited by ledyanoy; 10-30-2019, 01:54 PM. Reason: formatting

