I'm sure a lot of you have seen people get typed as one of the center types for some very silly reasons. It might be a good idea to share some of those here.
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Bad reasons for typing people at 6, 9 or 3.
a few I can think of off the top of my head for 6
1) anyone who gets angry and makes a fool of themselves is labeled cp6
2) defensiveness is projected inappropriately onto disagreement, leading the person to get typed as 6
3) apparently only head types give explanations for things (I've seen this one leveled at Animal about 20 times). from there they tend to get typed as, you guessed it, 6
Didn't you hear? Heart and gut types can't think!
Well, there's a difference between whether someone can think, and whether they give explanations or not. Certainly you can have someone who thinks a lot but won't explain themselves (though the other way around sounds confusing).
Someone who can't think but explains a lot - this is not actually that unusual a phenomenon. Those are your people who learned something in a book and regurgitate it without really considering whether it gets at the core of a person's question. Found a lot in academia and sometimes in business.
Anyway my comment was obviously to continue the facetiousness in the post.. again, these are stereotypes that some people actually hold, I just brought it to its il/logical extreme.Last edited by Quindary; 04-21-2020, 11:04 AM.
David Gray confuses type 5 for the combination of Sp/Sx 9 (this is his self-typing, and this is not accidental). He even described Sp dominance as if 'sitting in the driver's seat, keeping track of all the dashboard displays.' This is not Sp, this is classic type 5: avarice, fear of running out of resources, fear of being overwhelmed.
He identifies as 479 tritype. Lol!
Because of this, Enneagrammer miscategorizes a great number of people.
It is ironic, seeing that Enneagrammer claims to challenge the authorities over established misunderstandings around types, most specifically type 9.
But then they think that more than 70% of people are type 9. They're shit.
- edit: So people can see it: half of the remaining 30%, they think, are types 3 and 6. You can't make this up!! (Hey, they CAN !!!) Thanks for reminding me Animal !
Last edited by Daeva; 04-20-2020, 04:06 PM.
Lol yes, they asked us all to make lists of our friends, show pics, and type everyone. They ended up with lists of real people (all of our friends) and 70% of them were 9s, and between the remaining 30% - more than half were 6s and 3s according to them.. Except them, of course, as their "people" were all 458s.
Some of ye olde classics...
If you are a 9, you're a doormat.
If you are a 6, your life experience must be dominated by anxiety and paranoia.
If you are a 3, social status must be your central aim.
I know I put these in reverse from the question, but eh.
I think attachment triad has a lot of common human fears-failure, conflict, danger. I type as a 946 so I have 2 of those types, but 3 I considered at one point because I do relate to the fear of failure. But in reality, I don't care a ton about success. Failure to me is not the inverse of success, but rather something I consider a mistake and something that makes me feel ashamed of myself. Most days I don't need to be at the top of the class, but being at the bottom makes me feel like a fool and even a bad person-which I think plays into my 1 wing. So yeah, common human fears and perhaps looking too surface level at fears. Positive outlooks for example wouldn't like conflict much like 9s either because they're so interested in maintaining a positive atmopshere .