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Brooke Shields
So much focus on what was expected of her, and the 'pressure' of everything.. and how to reconcile the opposites between the image people wanted her to uphold and the reality of living her life. Nervous awareness of all the eyes watching and the 'responsibility' to please them, and the judgment that would come down on her....
Six core.
And FiSe. There's tremendous authenticity in talking about her own 'personal' take on things and all the things that happened to her, and the pop eyes as she unravels her story, but I go with Fi first instead of Se because she sits so still. And that bell like princess voice in the kid video is very Fi ish. However it could also be SeFi. she has a lot of immediacy and popopopopop in the last video.
She's so willing to reveal all these things about her personal relationships, in a very splat messy and slightly inappropriate way - so I'd say three fix is less likely. There's not much revelation of her own 'personal vision' like a separate unique thing that makes her stand out -- but she is quick to lay out her relatives and friends and rip them apart. This is relational focus. 2 fix. She also has a sweet angelic purity about her which makes me lean 2w1, especially with her saying she wasnt pretty enough or needed to be prettier.. and she's not "friendly/voluptuous welcome' like 2w3. Also so much judgment. He was gross, horrible, this one's good this one's bad, I like this one but not that one.
There's a SPLAT authenticity about RELATIONSHIPS that fours lack - fours want to express a separate personal vision within. And.. yeah the longer I watch this, three just feels very wrong. I thought there was something 3 in the kid video but a six posing at three would make more sense.. plus she was still slightly inappropriate even then. She wasn't saying "The Expected Things" - like "my Christian faith.." she was just saying, this is my ideal and maybe it will change.
9 fix. Probably 9w1 given how proper she looks and the lack of 8ish expansiveness. The expansiveness is her heart flowing out like a 2, an abundance of ideas and feelings about interrelations.
So I currently lean 6w7, 2w1, 9w1 - 6w7 because it's more social/involved. She can't have 5 on top of two one wings, she would be more detached.
Also want to point out she's expressing a lot of bottled up resentment about having to pay for everyone, having to "be Brooke Shields" and uphold the image people gave it etc. I see this resentment in the heavy one wings. But its not 1 fix because it's more of a saga.
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In my experience, the blame/victim narrative happens with unhealthy 269s in any order. Of course, this is not to say they all do it. Some are healthier, etc. But this is the achilles heel of the tritype, regardless what leads. I say this from lived experience, not from reading about bad literature on six. Remember I've fallen in love with a six and married him, and prior to him both of my major exes were sixes, and I've been close to quite a few as friends as well. My ideas about six no longer need textbooks to be justified.
Actually, I am seeing 7w6 core for her. Very heady, lots of talk-talk-talk. Overthinks her actions. But at the same time, she is super-extroverted and lacks a barrier of sorts - barrier being super-ego core or image core - in my opinion.
If not that, I'd go for 6w7,. When Volcana said 6 I thought "yeah seems good for her" but my initial impression was 7 and I'm going back to it.
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I could see 7! She reads to me as a clear head type - and actually, Auburn has typed so many 7s as Fi leads!!!! Not that it's a deciding factor. But the point is, she looks and seems similar to them.
She's not an image type. In that last video she was not showing the kind of dignity that core image types do. It was more like, ideas, ideas ideas, and much less automatic sense of how it might come off to the audience. As a kid she had this kind of "purity" vibe which can be 7--> 1 .
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Compared to 7's specifically, yes. Type 7 is notorious for a certain lack of inhibition, though there are always some of course. 6 wing etc will increase inhibition. Brooke does show plenty herself, but those look to me to be plenty of the type 6 variety.
Image type barrier is different. It's not exactly a barrier, though it can be. It is a filter to deliver the message that is the self. "I" is the message, and the image type will shift according to the reception of this image that then also establishes an interpersonal "you and me" dynamic.. The image center controls the emotional atmosphere. I don't see much of this with Brooke. She seems rather stiff and incapable of having nuanced display of image presentation. Heady concepts, on the other hands, come easy to her. She is very "quick" in her retort.
I think this can be any type, really. 7's for sure get sulky and non-talkative as well.
That's the thing, I don't see her as being feely at all. To me she is all buzz-buzz.
I disagree with you on type 7 and negative emotional nudity. Perhaps our concept of type 7 differs, but in my experience 7's tend have an easier time than most others in divulging their sadness in the public eye. One example that comes to mind is Joaquin Phoenix, who I see as a 7, playing the most sad-sack characters, one after the other.
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Interestingly, the 7s in enneatude have been most likely to post really sad, morose collages. Not all of them, but it's very common.
Also ledyanoy sorry if my post sounded like I was blowing yours off. I wasn't - was just in the middle of another argument at the same time and I was brief.I'm enjoying the dialogue.