I'll post a few later. I want to hear some of yours
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Share your controversial opinions
okay, let's start with a few
1) Sometimes victim blaming is underrated. It's not your fault if you date one abusive asshole and have a hard time escaping, but if you date MULTIPLE abusive assholes, you're not just reaping what you sew, you are responsible for providing just about the most unstable environment possible for your children, and you should be ashamed of yourself for your lack of judgment and the pain it has caused your children who, in all likelihood, will grow up not knowing what it even felt like to be a child because they never felt safe. To say I don't sympathize is an understatement. Your own abuse is an insufficient punishment for the shit you put your children through every time you bring home another abusive sociopath, and this isn't even including how much you screw up the dating market by rewarding the most psychopathic fucks.
2) Just because you've suffered from something doesn't make you an expert. In fact, you might not even know the cause. If that were the case, people in poverty would all be PhDs in economics.
3) Government is just institutionalized violence...and that's a good thing. Those who do not understand reason, respect or morality will understand fear, and the only way to deal with them is to be a bit of a bully so that they go somewhere else to violate people's rights. Stop making the mistake of thinking you can talk to everyone like they are a philosopher.
4) Relationships come with duties, and modern notions of "bodily autonomy" are bullshit. Your job in a relationship is to make your partner happy and to satisfy his or her sexual needs. If you don't want to fulfill such a basic fucking responsibility (oh no! I have to have sex with someone I'm in a relationship with a few times a week?! I'm so victimized!), good luck either being celibate or chasing cheap flings, because you don't deserve a relationship.
5) There is more antisemitism on the left than the right. Much, much more.
6) The corollary to point 2 is that you need to go through a minimum amount of suffering to have any common sense. If you are born privileged (something which cannot be ascertained by looking at 2-4 pieces of demographic data. you can be white, straight, cis, middle class, etc and still come from an abusive background, suffer disability or a whole host of issues), you need to seek out suffering that will make you stronger (though you have the privilege of doing so in a way that will help you. two examples: putting in 60 hours work weeks will get you more money. doing a grueling workout will improve your health and turn you into a beast).
7) The Star Wars prequels are actually good and had much more believable character arches if you ignore a few moments of cringe acting.
BalalaikaBoy I don't know why it's even controversial that more people on the left are antisemitic. I grew up around conservatives, who tend to lean towards Christianity, and they love and support the Jews. They see them as the chosen people.
Hmm ok let me see if I can think of something controversial. I feel like these things are only controversial to the insane left.
1. As a computer science female a semester away from completing my degree, who has also had job offers, I haven't seen a single bit of sexism. At all. I have no clue where the supposed sexism in, and tbh, I've seen a lot of women drop out because they just couldn't do the assignments. Don't know what to say or do about it. I don't honestly care if more women join. I work with mostly men all the time and I don't have a bad time.
2. People have no fucking clue what they are talking about in reference to guns. They clearly haven't ever gone down to the range and shot an AR15. I have several times. AR15s are GREAT for women because they're relatively light in comparison to other shotguns etc. They have much less kick etc. In fact, what most people don't realize is that most hunting rifles are actually more powerful, hence the higher amount of kick, and could actually be more deadly. But of course people want to get rid of the guns that women can easily shoot. Can't have that
3. A lot of gray area rape is fucking stupid. It isn't rape for a man to start kissing his partner without explicitly asking etc. Also that is unsexy as fuck to ask beforehand. Go away with that whiny ass shit and learn to speak up for yourself. If you can't communicate no with a decent guy you are the PROBLEM. It literally makes me gag that my gender has been reduced to this pathetic specimen who is incapable of saying 'no' to decent guys. I'm not talking about physically abusive men.
4. I once got into an argument with someone who thought I should feel sorry for women who end up as stay at home moms, who don't want to be. Why should I feel sorry for them? Why would you get into a relationship with someone without discussing this and deciding who is going to watch the kids if you have them? Stop being the fucking victim. I get it if you're 60 years old and that's just the way the world was, but it's not like that anymore so you don't get a pass if you're 26.You made the choice. I don't feel sorry for you. You have the power to discuss this and choose a guy who is compatible or figure out a compromise. And btw it's not misogynistic for a man to want to marry a stay at home just like it's not misandrist if a woman wants a stay at home dad. You don't have to be with them. Find someone else.Last edited by SpiritoftheGael; 11-19-2019, 01:49 AM.The day is done, and the darkness
Falls from the wings of Night,
As a feather is wafted downward
From an eagle in his flight.
I see the lights of the village
Gleam through the rain and the mist,
And a feeling of sadness comes o'er me
That my soul cannot resist:
A feeling of sadness and longing,
That is not akin to pain,
And resembles sorrow only
As the mist resembles the rain.
1) preach
2) bingo
3) testify
4) exactly
I couldn't agree more with this. I told EVERY guy that I didn't want kids, right away, before getting serious with him. In some cases it was painful. In one case we decided to date anyway, while knowing we would break up one day. But at the time it made sense to date since we were doing music together and liked each other, and it would have been worse to ignore the feelings. Still, the whole thing was COMMUNICATED before any further negotiation about a relationship.
Also, I have a male friend that really really really didn't want kids, and no matter what he communicated it too. And it's even harder for men because most women are intent on having kids, whereas many men follow the woman's lead on this. Yet he managed to marry a fabulous woman who is happy with him. I don't see the problem with any of this. The problem is people who get with someone without being clear about what they want, and then cry abuse.
Trump's locker room talk does not place him in a class with sexual predators like Bill Clinton and his dead friend Epstein - unless he has physically assaulted someone.
I'm on board with the idea that he's a narcissist. Whether he's "a misogynist," I don't know, because he seems to insult everyone equally, and he also employs women for high-powered jobs. But, until he actually assaults someone, I'm not concerned with his 'boy talk.' I find it impressive that the left STILL talks about it, too. Can't they find something worse if he's so terrible? They use that one verbal mishap as an excuse to put him in a class with REAL SEXUAL PREDATORS, like Clinton and Epstein and the leftist Hollywood entourage.
I'd bet there isn't a single lady here who hasn't yapped about a guy's dick size, bragged that so many guys want her, or boasted that she used her feminine prowess to manipulate some poor sod into doing her bidding. So I'm not on any particular high horse when it comes to words that were meant to be spoken in private. Yes , what he said was gross and if someone I knew had said it, I'd argue and point out their bullshit, as I often do. I definitely would not date a guy after hearing him say such a thing, and I'd warn my friends too. But to put him in a class with actual sexual assaulters because of it, is dishonest.
1) Getting hung up on "the words people say" and being "PC" is ableist, elitist and classist.
Ableist because: People who are sick can lose their train of thought easily, and may have issues with word finding. They also may not be able to keep up with the latest political trends, may mix up details, and may throw the wrong word into a sentence just because their brain is scrambled. I know this from experience.
Elitist because: People who can't go to school and have to work constantly to support sick family members or pay the rent, from a young age, may not have time and headspace to read all these minute political details and therefore might *gasp* say the wrong word!! Beyond that, people with normal jobs, working trades, are focused on other things besides intellectual word-heavy reading and reading the latest trend online.
Classist because: Poor people are more likely to have to work too much or be sick for long periods, so the previous two also apply. In addition they often cannot afford school and may not even know how to read. They may have grown up in poor communities where nobody knows this stuff and it's just not a priority as much as survival is.
This leads to..
2) The Right is focused on what they do and the Left is focused on what they say. Look at Trump and Obama! The reason Trump has such enthusiastic support despite the news and the left doing anything in their power to hurt him, is that people see their real selves in him. You know, working people with regular concerns and problems. It's only ivory tower intellectuals who see him as "so extreme." And ....
3) Ivory tower intellectualism has been shoved down our throats from a young age. We don't know how to cook or manage our finances, but we know algebra and the history of horrible slavery and slaughtering of Natives. Do you believe this is an accident, that the only things we learn about are how horrible America is, when most countries have behaved similarly?
4) Liberals have conspired for over a century to tear the country apart from within. They do this using the same tactics that Hitler publicized, which are similar to Saul Alinksy's Rules for Radicals --- if you own the media and the education, you own the youth and the future. They control the information and this is why everyone is brainwashed, except for people who ignore the "news" and actually pay attention to what's in front of them.
5) Most rich counties are Leftist. The left is the poor and the rich, the right is middle class (primarily). Everyone knows this. But it's no surprise that the left is trying its best to do away with the middle class and to import immigrants who will vote for them! And let's not even get into the dead people voting for democratic candidates.
6) The current leftist agenda is EVIL. There, I said it. I rarely use that word; I take it quite seriously. There is always a good side to something and for sure, liberalism itself has many good sides; in fact, based on genuine liberalism, I am one of them. But the current leftist agenda is pure corruption and evil, and it was shoved into our minds ON PURPOSE, by evil forces. Yes I really feel that strongly about it. This does not mean that liberals, leftists or democrats are evil. This is not about the civilians who have been brought up to think this way, but the people who planted the seeds. Woodrow Wilson who changed the info in our textbooks to shape our brains. Saul Alinksy (Hillary's mentor) who taught radicals not to bomb buildings but instead, to infiltrate the media, the texts, and the government. FDR who covered up his friendship with Hitler after he lost. And so on.
7) Well intentioned people - who understand what the current problems are - still try to make excuses for the left and find the good in it. To me this is a black and white issue. Evil is evil is evil. This is no better than the brainwashed Nazis in the Holocaust, and that's what we're aiming towards (see Antifa).
8) There is no justice anymore. The government is so big and there are so many laws that anyone can be convicted of a felony just because you want to convict them.
9) We should separate the country - right on one side, left on the other. Anyone can move to either side at any time, but each side has the right to decide how much - and in what ways - their citizens are forced to assimilate. If this happens, the right side will flourish and the left will become communist. I kid you not.
10) I'm not an extremist. I'm just honest, and I'm willing to say it like it is even at the risk of being hated. I've been on the receiving end of leftist bullying all my life, starting with the racist anti semitic school system. And for those of you who are not leftists and also don't live in NY or Cali, trust me, you probably don't grasp how horrible it really fucking is, and for how long it's been like this.Last edited by Animal; 11-20-2019, 02:09 PM.
Let's see if I can come up with some controversial opinions- The OK symbol is OK. It being a symbol of hate is fake news started by 4Chan to troll the conventional media who -of course- took the bait hook line and sinker. Suckers.
- One can be racist against whites. This is only controversial because we are living in a South Park episode. Common sense, where hast thou gone?
- On that note; Identity politics are poison. Be an individual, not a sheep. BhaAa-aAah.
- There are two sexes. Biology.
- Being offended doesn't mean anything. You're offended, so what?
- Words ? violence. Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. It's called being a grown-up.
- Fat acceptance is bullshit. What ever happened to being healthy?
- The USA is the greatest nation on the planet, if only because freedom of speech is in its constitution. Ooh controversy!
- Mortality is a disease. If not literally, then at the very least metaphorically.
- Not every culture deserves respect. I do not respect cultures that glorify violence, oppression, prostitution, or/and bad taste in music and dress. Change my mind.
- Being against "cultural appropriation" is a strong conservative stance and promotes segregation. Congratulations, you just played yourselves.
- Illegal immigration is illegal. Yes, really.
- Trump is on his way to win 2020. The impeachment hearing is merely a setback. (.. or is it?)
- The sun kills most of the population on earth in a 12.000 year cycle. Literally a problem of biblical proportions.
- The moon is not an accident. Its proportional size and distance ratios compared to the earth and the sun are insane. It's the reason there is life on earth. What are the odds?..
And last but not least,- Epstein didn't kill himself. Unmask the organized network of pedophilia and watch the tower fall down.
1) Most people are better off being born into a profession. It doesn't mean that has to be what you do for the rest of your life, but it's a starting place. It provides the skills to make a living which you can acquire at home from a young age.
2) There are plenty of women I would punch the shit out of if it weren't for various laws and doxxing tendencies. Sure, I would do the same to plenty of men, but saying so is hardly controversial.
3) People who constantly party are pussies who use alcohol to escape and pretend to be happy. Such low class people do not deserve my respect, and I'll be damned if I am expected to speak to them as an equal.
4) Countertenors are unnatural, weak voices, and tend to be appreciated only by
- predators who get off to someone sounding like a weak, helpless child
- people who fetishize transsexuals
- people for look back on childhood as the best time of their life and resent having to be an adult
- people who identify as weak and victimized and view a more sterile, un-imposing sound as relatable and non-threatening.
5) there is nothing wrong with appreciating musicians or even other celebrities, but if a large portion of your opinions come from said musicians/celebrities, you are a hopeless fool contributing to the rampant sensationalism and misinformation of modern times. if you tell me my university college lecture series aren't "credible sources" because you don't like the professor but then spout some pseudo-inspirational bullshit from Lady Gaga, you can kindly go fuck yourself, because you are too ill-informed to deserve to even debate me.Last edited by BalalaikaBoy; 11-21-2019, 04:54 AM.
There are only two genders. Anything beyond that is called either mental illness or attention whore syndrome.Turning pain into power.
that's how I see transexuality to be honest: a mental illness. that doesn't mean I won't support them or that they don't need treatment, just that they have a disorder the same way that someone with cystic fibrosis, or sickle cell anemia has a disorder (the word "disorder" is simply a neutral medical term to me, not an evaluation of someone's character, competence or legitimacy).
Hard to believe that that's a controversial opinion in this day and age.
HK protesters as they are at the moment are cucks- yes, they have lots of fighting spirit, but they don't bother to properly militarize for a chance against the police and instead riot, which just gets in the way of their own citizens more than anything and gives the police even more a reason to mess people up.
The UK wasn't even supposed to give HK "back" to China since they made the deal with Qing which kinda ended... but they did anyways, that's just how useless the city is. Yet protesters are banking on international intervention with no chip on the table. Actually, negative chips since no one really wants to tick off the economic giant known as China. The country doing the most "intervention" is the US and it's pretty much virtue signaling at best even with the bill that was just passed. People set on fire, traffic blocked, busses shut down, shops destroyed, roads torn up... who does that affect? HKers themselves! "Oh but we shouldn't have to militarize... the west should halp freedom!" Well, it's been almost half a year. Do you see any aide? No, so do it yourselves! It's better than nothing.
Polls show that in late October, 51% of HK population are in support of the police force whereas in June it was like 2%... well no duh, protesters are pretty much suiciding the city that they swore to protect!!!
TL;DR HK protesters are collectively Te PoLR and I'm glad that my grandma got her dream vacation before this shitstorm happened.
"If you are God, and the delusion becomes reality,
About what kind of the noids you get?
Is it the sensual world? The despotic society?
The destructive sanctions?
-Chaos;Head title screen
- 1 like
first "disagree" in this thread, but my opinion would likely be different if I lived there. I agree it rubs Te the wrong way
tbh I wouldn't be surprised if China has something to do with it. The best way to get the average citizen to want more rule of law i.e. from China, is to have people causing anarchy against the people in HK. I would be zero percent surprised if China was paying people to cause disruption everywhere so that they can't consolidate and unify. Either that or slipping in their own operatives to get people together to sow discord. Just saying. If I was China that's exactly what I would do. I mean it'd be easy as fuck to slip some operatives in, so why wouldn't they?
1) I'm on the fence about abortion, but the biggest benefits of abortion are not women's rights, but crime reduction and Eugenics. The majority of women getting abortions are low IQ and mate with impulsive thugs with even lower IQs, so an effect of overall higher IQs among babies born in the US is a good thing.
2) Everyone should take a standardized test every 5-10 years that determines their level of competence, and then their vote gets weighted depending on how they do. if you're illiterate, your vote counts for zero. from there is goes up so that the most competent and educated people get the strongest voice. not the populist masses who really just need to shut the fuck up and read a book
3) martial arts and marksmanship should be mandatory school subjects
4) I move more and more toward the concept of "selective patriarchy" as I get older. Like, some women are intelligent, responsible and have integrity. I want these women to have more power, but a large number are literally incapable of making rational decisions and taking responsibility and spend their lives putting on displays for attention like a teen drama. Those women should be treated like children and have either men or more competent women make most of the important decisions for them.
5) On the flip side (ie, the male equivalent of the group listed above), some level of mass-incarceration isn't bad, so long as it's the right people (FUCK throwing people in jail who do weed to cope with mental health problems. that shit is evil and not what I'm talking about). Some men are pretty much hopelessly uncivilized barbarians and should be detained like animals (jail is also an appropriate solution for many of the aforementioned women from point 5).
6) Calling someone an "incel" is essentially saying "women don't approve of you sexually, so you don't have any value". many people mistake this for misogyny when its actually the opposite. it's really a belief in female superiority. That value is bestowed on men by women who give them sex as a reward for appeasement. step aside, bad boys. you're speaking to a patriarch...Last edited by BalalaikaBoy; 11-27-2019, 07:17 PM.
This one is my controversial response...
Originally posted by BalalaikaBoy View Post2) Everyone should take a standardized test every 5-10 years that determines their level of competence, and then their vote gets weighted depending on how they do. if you're illiterate, your vote counts for zero. from there is goes up so that the most competent and educated people get the strongest voice. not the populist masses who really just need to shut the fuck up and read a book
well, most of those Ivory Tower Liberals are well-read on things poetry, revisionist "history" and other such forms of pseudo knowledge (okay fine poetry can be a legitimate form of expression, but the point is it's not an indicator of competence). not many are well-read on hard science, economics, etc. how one would quantify competence does prove problematic though, because most of what you stated is also important (except for maybe "love". that's important for one's personal life, but it doesn't lead one to make good political decisions. often the opposite is true and the more cold-blooded people make more rational decisions, if anything)
Good art is 95% craftsmanship and 5% creativity. If you don't have any technique, stfu and go learn some if you want me to take your creations seriously.
Originally posted by BalalaikaBoy View PostEveryone should take a standardized test every 5-10 years that determines their level of competence, and then their vote gets weighted depending on how they do. if you're illiterate, your vote counts for zero. from there is goes up so that the most competent and educated people get the strongest voice. not the populist masses who really just need to shut the fuck up and read a book
Other than that there is the issue of the cost of developing the tests. As new issues develop and circumstances change and new technologies are developed, tests for competence should be changed. Perhaps there is such a thing as the flynn-effect, for which you might want to adjust if you want to have a cut-off point for competence. Another question is where you would have that cut-off point. I don't think it's going to be very-cost effective and I have big doubts on the kind of validity such a test would have.
Perhaps a more cost-effective option would be to better educate people in politics? I'm not sure in how far they do this in the USA, but over here I definitely think that's necessary.
3) martial arts and marksmanship should be mandatory school subjects
If martial arts become a mandatory school subject, I would say that it would be best to go for things like MMA or Boxing/Kickboxing, or anything which includes actual fighting and battle stress. Otherwise all you'll create is conceptual fighters. They can do some neat tricks, when there's no true resistance from the opponent, but in a real fight, they will lose.
4) I move more and more toward the concept of "selective patriarchy" as I get older. Like, some women are intelligent, responsible and have integrity. I want these women to have more power, but a large number are literally incapable of making rational decisions and taking responsibility and spend their lives putting on displays for attention like a teen drama. Those women should be treated like children and have either men or more competent women make most of the important decisions for them.
Regardless of my personal experience, some people are still immature and I think what you're saying about women can be just as true regarding men. I think people should be allowed room to grow. And even if they are irresponsible, they will still have to deal with the consequences of that type of behavior. I wouldn't be so quick to judge them as being incapable of being rational, because there are many ways to be rational even in such a way that their rationality might not be visible to you, because theirs is based on entirely different axioms.
Also when someone is irresponsible, and constantly begs for attention, I would think it unwise to let decisions be taken for them as that would enable their behavior. No, people who are truly unwilling to change and become responsible should be allowed to proverbially fall down to rock bottom, so they might finally be driven to change, or they still won't, but that is their choice.Last edited by Vive; 11-30-2019, 03:39 PM."Distress, whether psychic, physical, or intellectual, need not at all produce nihilism.
Such distress always permits a variety of interpretations."
1. Abortion is the murder of a human life.
I'm not arguing from a religious perspective. It's purely an ethical issue, and the argument is very basic. If we cannot determine with 100% accuracy where life begins (which I think is obvious anyway....at conception) then we cannot with 100% accuracy decide whether or not that potential life gets to live or die. The viability argument only gets worse as modern medicine advances. A baby's viability (excluding extenuation circumstances) is then based purely on whether or not the medical equipment available is advanced enough to save her. Clearly there are circumstances in which pregnancy and/or childbirth would kill someone, and in those circumstances I think there is more gray area.
2. Gender is determined by biology and is binary.
I really think they just have this whole thing wrong. Don't change science, change social expectations of gender norms. It seems stupid to have to even say it, but if a biological male likes to wear flowy clothing and "feminine" jewelry, it doesn't make him not a man. It makes him a man who likes to wear flowy clothing and pretty jewelry. It's all become weird and hypersensitive, when it really needed to go the other way, as in: who cares? You're just saying labels are bad and then adding a bunch of new labels.
All for now...
1. My only problem with the government having laws about abortion is the last sentence you wrote:
"Clearly there are circumstances in which pregnancy and/or childbirth would kill someone..."
The problem here is that if the government makes abortion laws, then the government decides who is sick and who isnt; who deserves care and who doesnt; and who gets an abortion and who doesnt. I would almost definitely die in childbirth, and my kid would inherit Lyme - but the government believes this is not true. I am not the only person in such a situation. So, if I were to get pregnant, I'd want to make this decision with my LYME DOCTOR. Getting the decision approved by the government would take months (have you ever dealt with the government? I have for immigration. It's INSANELY disorderly, ineffective, slow, and ridiculous). Also people who are sick enough that they need abortions would have a hard time filling out all these papers and getting to all these facilities in order to get approval. Once something like pregnancy would start to fuck with their hormones they're guaranteed to get sicker and this would make it very difficult to deal with the government. So, I want the fucking government out of my wallet and bedroom, and out of my doctor visits. I have never had to get an abortion, but if the option didn't exist then I would not be able to make love to my husband because the risk would be too great, and I think that's very wrong and unfair toward people with invisible illnesses. This doesn't mean I'd encourage a healthy person to have an abortion; definitely not.
2. Yeah. Agree.
Yeah, you have a unique circumstance for sure. I think the unfortunate issue with abortion is that pro-life people tend to be against birth control and sex ed that isn't abstinence only. Which is really stupid. If the goal is to not murder an unborn child, why not provide everything possible to prevent it from happening?