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Your personal ideology & how it interacts with current politics

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    Your personal ideology & how it interacts with current politics

    Most of us lean left or right in the current political climate. Even if we don't fall to one particular side ideologically, we might vote for that side because of current trends, specific candidates etc.

    So this thread is to discuss your genuine personal ideology. I would also like to explore how this plays into your voting patterns and current decisions.

    So here are some questions, which you can ignore or use for inspiration:

    1. What is your basic foundational ideology?

    2. How does your ideology interact with modern politics?

    I'm copying this from a facebook comment I wrote today. I may recontextualize my answer later.


    If I take an ideology test on a four way graph, I come out exceptionally high on Libertarian, and hardly any motion to the right or left. I'm not a conservative in many senses - I don't personally care for religion, tradition etc, though I recognize its importance in society and honor that in others - I am more interested in the fundamental reasoning behind something. For example I think family is fundamentally important for humans.. and I would like to go back to traditions involving wider networks rather than limiting child rearing to nuclear families. Personally I don't desire having kids or a family oriented life, and while I'm close with my family, none of us have ever made life "all about family." But, in a larger sense, I believe if the networks were wider, there would be less pressure on individual kids to fulfull family needs and parents wishes, and people would more easily fall into roles that feel right to them.

    That's the way I think about things like tradition. I don't find tradition charming or worthwhile in and of itself, except insofar as it provides glue to hold society together and a stable psychological foundation for children growing up.

    I am all for the constitution's main principles, which limit government and give more power to the states and citizens. But that isnt exactly "traditionalist" nor is it for the reason of "conserving" something on principle; it's because I believe it's a strong pragmatic and ethical model that works.

    The right, at the moment, is more likely to include libertarian thinkers and candidates who prefer smaller government and constitutional principles. The way I see it is - we have progressives and constitutionalists, rather than true liberals or conservatives, but I am a constitutionalist, therefore for all intents and purposes, right leaning (in my voting patterns) in the current climate. At the same time I see much more progress to be made, such as ... we should allow three or five people to marry if they want to. Why not? Five incomes for children and five times the love. Sounds much easier than what families are struggling with now.
    Last edited by Animal; 12-23-2019, 11:43 PM.


      Rant from chat. Simple and to the point.

      with politics sometimes it blows my mind how much people care about ideology when it's really about power
      i care about libertarian ideology in the sense that the gov's POWER should be limited.
      nothing else for ideology makes sense to me like how people can think to force theirs on others
      with abortion, it's one of the few issues where this is very tricky
      but in my opinion the left has created a situation where we NEED the government to interfere so we ASK for it. but that situation doesn't have to be the case.
      this is why it's about power.
      and manipulation of people's minds.
      my ideology however may fall left. idk.
      seems irrelevant.

      religion is about ideology, politics is about power, and the two are too often mixed up.

      the main question is: how much power should we give the government? the rest is just noise. and the noise is LOUD, and full of 'white guilt' and other tactics to manipulate people into fearing their fellow citizens and thus giving the government more power.

