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Planetary dominants

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    Planetary dominants

    Which planet is dominant in your natal chart?

    How do I determine which is dominant?Click image for larger version

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    hannahmatthew here is your distribution
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    your dominant planet is moon then pluto. Your dominant signs are cancer>capricorn>pisces


      I've used a bunch of dominants calculators and they all give me something drastically different. The common theme is that Pluto and Venus are usually placed high or first. This also fits my personality.

      I was exiled from my home planet, Erosia, and my life's purpose is to be a vessel through which its energy emerges. What this means day to day is mastering communication skills - specifically in the arts - so my work will be a clean channel to reflect Erosia, untainted by a lack of talent. But art and talent isn't the end goal - the idea is to express my true origin and my home planet. Its culture, ideas, and beauty may reside within anyone, and ideally my work would be a mirror in which others might see some part of themselves.

      From an astrological perspective,
      Exiled from my Home Planet (Pluto)
      Erosia (Venus)

      Makes sense.


        Originally posted by Thana View Post
        hannahmatthew here is your distribution
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Name:	74615502_674119176411502_5569583632332357632_n.jpg
Views:	324
Size:	192.0 KB
ID:	106
        your dominant planet is moon then pluto. Your dominant signs are cancer>capricorn>pisces
        Thank you! That makes a LOT of sense, actually.


          Internet calculators put it somewhere around Venus
          "If you are God, and the delusion becomes reality,
          About what kind of the noids you get?
          Is it the sensual world? The despotic society?
          The destructive sanctions?

          -Chaos;Head title screen




              Yep. To demonstrate this, I'll show a few of my different results from a few sites. I was just doing this. I forgot how inconsistent it was - not even Pluto and Venus consistently show up at the beginning of the list. Wtf!


              1) Venus > Pluto > Moon > Jupiter > Neptune > Uranus > Sun > Saturn > Mercury > Mars > Node > Chiron

              2) Pluto > Venus > Chiron > Mercury > Jupiter > Neptune > Vesta > Uranus > Moon > Sun > Saturn > Mars

              3) Moon > Mars > Uranus = Neptune = Saturn > Mercury = Venus = Pluto > Sun > Jupiter

              4) URANUS ? > MERCURY ? | > MOON ? = SUN ? = NEPTUNE ? | > PLUTO ? | > VENUS ?| > JUPITER ? | > SATURN ? | > MARS ?

              5) Uranus > Moon > Sun > Saturn > Mars > Pluto > Mercury > Neptune > Venus > Jupiter

              6) Neptune > Pluto > Venus > Saturn > Jupiter > Sun > Uranus > Mercury > Moon > Mars

              It's obvious from looking into my chart that the dominant influences are Pluto & Venus. But these websites.....
              Last edited by Animal; 10-29-2019, 06:32 PM.


                Actually this ties into the subject of the forum and why we created it. Daeva and I are both Pluto-heavy - my sun is in 8th & Mercury in Scorpio, whereas his moon is in Scorpio in 12th. He has a deep desire to understand the patterns of the cosmos if only to find himself, and I feel that if I dig down deep enough and express myself genuinely, I'll create art that mirrors something inside me which is so deeply human that it's also universal. We both live by the sense "as above, so below" - but he approaches it from a 12th house perspective, watching from outside - and me 8th, releasing myself cathartically and finding mirrors of the universe. We both dig deep into the psyche and what it's made of.


                  I've never calculated Dominant Planets. If someone wanted to take a look for me, I'd appreciate that.

                  I am Sidereally (Vedic) ruled by Saturn, with my North Node (Rahu) in Capricorn (Sravana Nakshatra "one who limps along the path") and I identify most with this.

                  Impactful aspects:

                  Neptune & Uranus Conjunct Moon
                  Pluto & Lilith Square Venus

                  This is a custom chart that was designed to reflect the signs as they appear in the sky as constellations - approximating their lengths using the midpoint of the closest star of each neighboring sign. This means that the Ascendant/Descendant are looking at the exact horizon, in relation to where the stars were above me at birth. As you can see, I was born as the Sun was setting in Leo.

                  You will notice at my Midheaven that the black sign, Ophiuchus "The Serpent Bearer," is represented.

                  A funny story to go along with - since I was born, I have had a strong affinity with snakes. My mother, a highly devout Catholic, discovered this to her horror. When I was around 8 years old, I got to hold a 6 ft. Black Rat Snake at a children's local wildlife event. I was the happiest kid ever when that snake was wrapped around my waist. I will never forget that day.
                  Last edited by Mysti; 10-21-2019, 12:16 PM.


                  • Animal
                    Animal commented
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                    That's awesome that they include Ophiuchus and interesting how you related to snakes. I've always related to tigers - wonder what that means.
                    I'm curious, how did you find out your ruling planet in Sidereal?

                  Click image for larger version

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                    Hello all, so you can use like many used above to see the highest percentage of aspects to a planets/signs. However, a hack is using Zodioscopes (website) natal calculator, it automatically arranges in order of most aspected planets in chart (most aspects means dominant influence happening). For example, on's calculator system it will show I am scorpio dominated by most planets in that sign while Zodioscopes chart will do the same and layout the order of your dominant planets, so mine is Saturn (most aspect in chart affecting saturn) and in the sign of Pisces (sign I relate to the most on a fundamental level). Check that out and let me know what you guys find out.


                    • Animal
                      Animal commented
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                      This is awesome - but I tried to do it and it keeps getting my details wrong. It tells me my moon is in Aquarius for instance when it is in Pisces. I suspect this is because its google map is broken and I have to enter the coordinates to my city by myself, and also the time zone number, but perhaps I'm doing it wrong. Do you know what's up with this by any chance?

                    Volcana I could try entering your info for you if you like? The website isn't perfect, but I haven't had issues inputting info.


                    • Animal
                      Animal commented
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                      Awesome thank you! I will PM you my login and you can enter it if you want, then i can sign in here and look at it. Is that ok?

                    I will lay out my case for Scorpio/Pluto dominant.

                    This was from

                    Click image for larger version  Name:	xcote-n7hfile5D2uqh-u1572231905. Views:	0 Size:	59.3 KB ID:	982

                    My Libra Sun is close to Scorpio cusp and is in 8th. Pluto is in 8th. Mercury and Uranus are in Scorpio 9th and they have a lot of aspects. Pluto & Venus make sense being close together for me, energetically. My self-expression is wrought with 'dark Venus' symbolism, such as Kali - which makes sense with so much Pluto energy and 8th house Libra sun. I will note that I mistook this for Mars energy for a long time.

                    lso the 8th house and Scorpio are right in the center of the major action on my chart. Additionally, my Eros is in Scorpio 8th and Lilith in Libra 8th - I will include these since Eros (Erosia) is a central theme in my life.

                    Click image for larger version  Name:	astro_2gw_erica_xenne.10930.5452.png Views:	0 Size:	592.9 KB ID:	981
                    Last edited by Animal; 10-27-2019, 11:41 PM.


                      Volcana ok well since zodioscope is having unexpected technical difficulties...... used to not have issues inputting locations. Alas, this is what your dominants seem to be with's system. It says you have dominant Venus and then Pluto ! Dominant sign in Libra, close follow up of scorpio.
                      Attached Files
                      Last edited by isfTay; 10-27-2019, 11:39 PM.

