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Planetary dominants

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    Ah yes! That was the chart that gave me this:

    Venus > Pluto > Moon > Jupiter > Neptune > Uranus > Sun > Saturn > Mercury > Mars > Node > Chiron also has color chart, which I posted above, and it gave me this:

    Pluto > Venus > Chiron > Mercury > Jupiter > Neptune > Vesta > Uranus > Moon > Sun > Saturn > Mars

    I do think Pluto and Venus are most dominant, and I wouldn't be surprised if Jupiter is high up as well. So between those two it seems pretty accurate. But I'm very curious what the other site will say when it's working again


      I should also add to my case that while gives me dominant air and low fire (which I don't relate to), other sites make my water and fire much higher. And I believe having more fire is right for me. This for example.

      Click image for larger version  Name:	dominant_elements.png Views:	0 Size:	50.9 KB ID:	999

      Some websites have even given me Sagittarius dominant. I need to find them again. I don't think that's correct but when looking at long lists of my aspects I do have a lot connected to Sag & Scorpio which I relate to the most.


        I found another link for dominant planets.

        It gave me Neptune - > Pluto - > Venus


          By all accounts, mine is Saturn.

          This is quite accurate about me:


          • Animal
            Animal commented
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            Saturn feels very right for you.

          • ledyanoy
            ledyanoy commented
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            Last edited by ledyanoy; 10-29-2019, 03:02 PM. Reason: accuracy

          • ledyanoy
            ledyanoy commented
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          I calculated my Sidereal chart.
          Pluto > Venus > Moon > Mars > Uranus > Sun > Jupiter > Mercury > Saturn > Node > Chiron

          I have to say, this feels much better to me. I do think my Venus is higher than Mars but it seems wrong to me that moon or mars should be low. I sense Pluto is dominant (descriptions of what this means are quite apt, as well as its energy overall), and Venus is a close second; but Mars and Moon seem like they should be close by. The only thing is I'd imagine my Jupiter being higher than Sun. But whatever. Vedic/ Sidereal seems to place me in a way that feels right to me, at least on this website.

          My only contention with my astrology in general is that I relate most strongly to fire. When I say "I relate" I'm not talking about some vague sentiment. Fire has shown up everywhere in my creative work since the beginning of time. It shows up when I don't intend it - symbolism related to fire. On top of that, 99% of the time people who have never met me will guess that I'm a fire sign offhandedly. They meet me and within minutes someone says "You must be a fire sign." It's written on my face yet it isn't so! :O Granted, this all may tie back into Pluto and Mars etc. Some websites give Scorpio and Pluto "fire symbolism" even though it's a water sign.
          Click image for larger version  Name:	Screenshot 2019-10-29 13.13.30.png Views:	0 Size:	494.1 KB ID:	1040


            To calculate your dominants in Sidereal or Vedic on, enter your data, go to, and scroll halfway down the page to "Extended Chart Selection."
            Click image for larger version  Name:	Screenshot 2019-10-29 13.38.59.png Views:	0 Size:	641.6 KB ID:	1043

            Then do this:

            Select the tab that says "Pullen/Astrolog."

            "Simple Chart delineation by Walter Pullen" and "Sidereal."

            Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2019-10-29 13.36.28.png
Views:	252
Size:	557.0 KB
ID:	1044



              I know you have struggled with relating to Cancer and been at odds with its prominence in your chart. Unfortunately for me, I've struggled with many aspects of Libra but it is still prominent in all of my charts. Granted, I think the problem with libra is the descriptions and the lost history about its true meaning, which I'll get into in another thread. The original and more salient meaning of Libra does apply to me just fine, provided it's mixed with Pluto dominance.

              Look two posts above and you'll see how the leading forces for me, in Sidereal , calculated EXACTLY the ones I considered to be contenders for my leading forces during all our conversations over time - Pluto, Venus, Moon and Mars. At different times I've thought maybe Mars was higher but as our conversations evolved, I ended up feeling my dominants were exactly those four in that order, and that is what the Vedic calculator on has given me, for what it's worth.

              For you, there's a whole other story regarding your placements and dominants if you look at Vedic or Sidereal astrology.

              I am uncertain what to make of this but here, I posted just the chart without your birth data for public. This is your Sidereal chart. Normally Vedic charts are presented like squares instead of round but I kept the round format simply because we're accustomed to looking at it, and it doesnt change the actual data.

              Click image for larger version  Name:	astro_2gw_sarah_bushnell.63922.46756.png Views:	0 Size:	638.2 KB ID:	1046

              Click image for larger version  Name:	Screenshot 2019-10-29 13.45.08.png Views:	0 Size:	481.5 KB ID:	1047

              I am going to respond to your own thread too, but I wanted this here for the 'dominants' conversation. I really don't know what to make of this though. I do agree with your self-assessment of Water/Mist/Ice for your element and Deep sea creature for your spirit animal. This chart changes that significantly. But again it's an internet calculator, so I guess we'd need to find meaning in this by ourselves if we want to.
              Last edited by Animal; 10-29-2019, 02:09 PM.


                Oh man, one site shows me as Venus dominant, and another one shows my Venus as LAST. I need to figure this shit out or I die.
                Turning pain into power.


                After struggling through the technical difficulties on Zodioscope, I've got this result, it's in a weird non-chart format but I think it says Mercury is dominant? In any case the personality descriptions seem pretty accurate to me so that's gotta count for something at least.

                Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot 2019-11-04 19.29.14.png
Views:	219
Size:	670.6 KB
ID:	1322
                Attached Files


                • isfTay
                  isfTay commented
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                  Oh yay! you got it to work That site is the easiest for calculating your dominants. It doesn't provide charts like, but it orders the most aspected planets to least, which is how dominance works in a chart.

                Pluto 15.6% then Venus at 13.7%


                • Animal
                  Animal commented
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                  My dominants are Pluto and Venus too and my primary soul color is deep red, though it's more like fire-red rather than maroon like yours. Also "Pleasure to Burn..." my themes are around burning like a phoenix. The dominant planets seem to be saying something.

                • PleasureToBurn
                  PleasureToBurn commented
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                  Yeah, I think deep red, crimson, almost maroon would be And there's heavy Pluto energy in my chart. Stellium in the 8th house, Sagittarius, and stellium in 7th house Scorpio.

                Whew, this took me a minute to figure out. I thought I was mostly Virgo, Leo, and Capricorn, but it turns out I have a bunch of Cancer hiding in midpoints? (Which I've never heard of)
                The Moon, Sun, and Mercury are my dominant planets. I think figuring out how to express myself (Mercury) in a way that will get me noticed (Leo?) is a big theme in my life.
                Can anyone explain ascendant midpoints? Or point me in the direction of a good resource about them?
                Also how important are houses? I believe my most important are the 4th and 8th. Has anyone made correlations with these like sx9 and the 12th house (I found that fascinating)


                  From the laratesting site I got these results. Pretty similar to my others and with sun and Mercury in the top two positions which feels accurate for where I'm at now. I've considered that communication is a strong suit for me but moreso from an interpersonal standpoint or written communication which I guess makes sense with the heavy moon influence. I've moved from pursuing a career as a therapist to the world of design and advertising, which to me is intensely lacking in moon influence...


                  • Animal
                    Animal commented
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                    Interesting, that site gave me completely different results from the others. Practically backwards.

                  Off topic, but I'm wondering how much can you know without exact time of birth?
                  I just know I'm gemini sun (I think gemini-taurus 'cusp' if that's a thing, birthday on May 23rd) and born somewhere around 8-9 am but my mom doesn't know the exact time. Hope I can find it somewhere.


                    I am too confused to even figure out what chart to build. has about a billion options, and I don't understand enough about why I'd want one versus another to know how to choose.

