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Collage Challenge: IMAGE IDEAL

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    Collage Challenge: IMAGE IDEAL

    ~The first collage challenge is "IMAGE IDEAL."
    Post a collage about your ideal image.
    How do you want people to see you? ~

    Collages only! Until February 20th.
    Then, discuss.

    * If you have any questions about this exercise, see this thread here:

    Collage Challenges EXPLAINED

    Sleep on the Ceiling - Erosian Exile


      Click image for larger version

Name:	thesea.jpg
Views:	457
Size:	182.8 KB
ID:	7964
      The day is done, and the darkness

      Falls from the wings of Night,

      As a feather is wafted downward

      From an eagle in his flight.

      I see the lights of the village

      Gleam through the rain and the mist,

      And a feeling of sadness comes o'er me

      That my soul cannot resist:

      A feeling of sadness and longing,

      That is not akin to pain,

      And resembles sorrow only

      As the mist resembles the rain.




          I've been attempting to participate in this collage challenge but my own self-concept of my "image ideal" completely eludes me. I very well possess an ideal regarding how I'd like to BE(with relatively unclear perception, oftentimes the answer is "not me"), or, what strategies I'd ideally employ(more clear), or circumstances I would ideally have(also more clear). Certainly, the idea of "how I'd like others to see me" is probably part of that, but I have no clear answer or feeling regarding it. I was caught off guard by the fact that I actually... don't know how I want to be perceived/perceived as being...

          I know it's "collages only" for another week, I just had to point this out.


          • [redacted]
            [redacted] commented
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            well, it is quite lovely don't you think

          • Eclipsed
            Eclipsed commented
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          • a2jc4life
            a2jc4life commented
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            This was my reaction, too. I think it's a centers thing. As gut types, we have a sense of "being," but the idea of "how do you want to be seen?" is language that just doesn't compute.

          Click image for larger version

Name:	1B3D11F1-9D1F-41C9-80D6-80B47695E090.png
Views:	413
Size:	889.9 KB
ID:	8065


          • Daeva
            Daeva commented
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            It's really interesting; for as different as our collages can be visually, the symbolism has great overlap and always did, in my view. I, too, went with the dragon and the esoteric. Rather than struggling with the lunar, I don't trust the Sun. For it is the bringer of light and the giver of life, but it inevitably betrays us. We will get burned. It is the Christ and the anti-Christ, both in one. It also represents my own struggle with the masculine and because of this, and ironically so, I cannot help but identify with Apollo to some extent. Though in this thread my depiction of him (and the image-ideal "me") is a depiction of the Irish god Lugh, who has been equated with Mercury...

          • Mahat
            Mahat commented
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            Daeva this is VERY interesting indeed, the parallels. I don't have a rational reason as to why I have a repulsion towards to the feminine, as far as I can tell it's a result of a tension from my own femininity. Something I simultaneously repudiate and yearn for.

          • Mahat
            Mahat commented
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            On a funny note, this collage does remind me of this song



            Click image for larger version

Name:	Image-collage-vive.png
Views:	328
Size:	276.9 KB
ID:	8114
            "Distress, whether psychic, physical, or intellectual, need not at all produce nihilism.
            Such distress always permits a variety of interpretations."



            • inkreservoir
              inkreservoir commented
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              Oh hello I vibe with this SO hard

            I have a strong idea for this but after doing the video I needed a health-rest break and haven't had time! Will anyone hate me if I extend the deadline to Monday? This also means anyone else that is behind can do it <3 Thank you


              Looks like I'm here at last minute, thank you for being late

              Click image for larger version

Name:	202002231420452649283917877.jpg
Views:	325
Size:	44.2 KB
ID:	8152


                I'm late for the challenge, having just joined today, but my little contribution to the discussion is that I wouldn't know what to create anyway -- which seems like a testimony to how heavily last my image fix is.


                • a2jc4life
                  a2jc4life commented
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                  I literally don't even know where to start. I have no answer to the question, "how do you want people to see you?"

                • Princess of Hearts
                  Princess of Hearts commented
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                  I love how absolutely impossible to imagine that is for me (as a likely image type core), would love to see your collage because it's just so fascinating to me. You'd probably think I'm insane

                  Maybe at least an 'idealized' version of how you'd like to BE/how you ARE and enjoy being with focus on aesthetics you are drawn to, etc? (without direct focus on "how people see you" part)
                  What drew you to your current avatar?
                  I also saw you posted in soul color thread, maybe something related to that?

                • Animal
                  Animal commented
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                  Ohh those are great ideas, moonlight

                Okay, this is collage of images that "feel like me." Don't read anything the arrangement of them, other than I'm too lazy to do much more than import the pictures into a collage maker. lol (Sorry it's vertical and that's awkward. :P ) Click image for larger version

Name:	Me.jpg
Views:	255
Size:	99.7 KB
ID:	8231


                  The idea of me as a 2 is....there isn't hysterical enough laughter. I appreciate where you're coming from, but just no.

                  I've just learned that people in typing groups will nitpick things to death and make too much of things that have nothing to do with anything. "Like, oh, you chose to put the eye in the upper right corner. That indicates...." And I'm like, "Um...I didn't 'choose' to put the eye anywhere in particular; it just happened to be the right proportions for that box so the software put it there." lol


                  • [redacted]
                    [redacted] commented
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                    Lol I was curious if you had some past experience because it sounded like you were referring to a different exchange, but maybe there's an edit I missed.

                  • a2jc4life
                    a2jc4life commented
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                    Ahhh...yes, in that sense, I have experience.

                  • a2jc4life
                    a2jc4life commented
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                    Oh, lorrdy. Are we going to do the whole passive-aggressive mess again? Nitpick all you want, but it's pointless to nitpick something about a typing collage that the creator didn't choose.

                  One thing I found tricky about making a collage based on this theme is that I figure most collages are image-ideals in a way, so it feels rather meta. (Also if you explicitly say you want to be seen a certain way, it kinda breaks the spell. ) And in general, image is kind of complicated... I don't see myself as an image-type, but don't think it's necessarily easier for someone who is since it's so ubiquitous for them.


                    I did it. As requested I added the pic of my current avatar as well as more of me, big pictures of me, because it's me, so why wouldn't I?

                    I think my image ideal, in my own head, mostly just represents aspects of myself I feel I see that which aren't obviously observable that I wish would be - namely openness, a desire to look a little physically androgynous, and creativity/intuition.


                    • Animal
                      Animal commented
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                      You definitely pull off physical androgyny. This is something I'm fairly big on too, and very selective when it comes to partners having masculine and feminine balances in various ways (not always physical). I recognize that balance in you for sure.

                    • Eclipsed
                      Eclipsed commented
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                      Thanks, and hopefully. Some days I see it, other days, I feel like a tiny Adam Driver.