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Collage Challenge: IMAGE IDEAL

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    These are women I find very aesthetically pleasing. They have a subtle unique and peaceful expression. I admire the effortless beauty and artsy coy vibe they have.


      isfTay 's Collage, in case you can't see it.(Wasn't showing up on my device, but was on hers for some reason)


      • isfTay
        isfTay commented
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        Thank You <3

      Click image for larger version

Name:	b4ce15cd09e18d63766e81724e87f73b.jpg
Views:	219
Size:	86.9 KB
ID:	8869
      Last edited by Animal; 03-29-2020, 08:19 PM.


      • Animal
        Animal commented
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        I have posted many naked pictures over the years, but never felt this naked.

      When I watched Dracula's Daughter a couple years ago, Gloria Holden's portrayal of the titular character was the model of what I wanted to be. Subdued yet terrifying. Seductive yet untouchable. The human heart in conflict with it's own monstrosity.


        Can we do this one again sometime? I missed the deadline, but it's gonna take me like months and months to stumble across just the right pics to represent me and my ideal self.


        • Animal
          Animal commented
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          Yeah fuck the deadline. Hehe. Do it any time <3

        • Qassim
          Qassim commented
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          I'll do it whenever I get enough pics.

        Seriously though, the image I'm generally going for is along the lines of "seems nice but probably has someone chained up in the basement," and I didn't quite find anything that perfectly conveys this yet.


          Well I did it. Two years late but I did it dammit! My image ideal, meaning the ideal me.

          Someone comment on this. What do you see?

          Last edited by Qassim; 03-16-2022, 04:26 PM.


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