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    - Immigrants from outside the Americas are some of the most racist people I've ever met. Especially towards people who are of an ethnicity that their ethnicity has beef with.
    - Fluid IQ is overrated- crystallized actually gets shit done and consists of the bulk of contribution towards society.
    "If you are God, and the delusion becomes reality,
    About what kind of the noids you get?
    Is it the sensual world? The despotic society?
    The destructive sanctions?

    -Chaos;Head title screen


    • BalalaikaBoy
      BalalaikaBoy commented
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      1) some yes, others no. immigrants have far more diversity than even the most dissimilar subcultures in the US because they come from all manner of races, religions, income levels, etc
      2) yes, but fluid IQ is necessary to accumulate crystalized IQ

    • vermilionplum
      vermilionplum commented
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      What do you mean by waves??? Robin Jayne Goldsmith

    Originally posted by arya View Post

    4. I once got into an argument with someone who thought i should feel sorry for women who end up as stay at home moms, who don't want to be. Why should i feel sorry for them? Why would you get into a relationship with someone without discussing this and deciding who is going to watch the kids if you have them? Stop being the fucking victim. I get it if you're 60 years old and that's just the way the world was, but it's not like that anymore so you don't get a pass if you're made the choice. I don't feel sorry for you. You have the power to discuss this and choose a guy who is compatible or figure out a compromise. And btw it's not misogynistic for a man to want to marry a stay at home just like it's not misandrist if a woman wants a stay at home dad. You don't have to be with them. Find someone else.
    i feel attacked


    • SpiritoftheGael
      SpiritoftheGael commented
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      Yep complete agreement Animal And also Hannah I just want to say I respect you as a person which to me means I'm not going to feel sorry for you or treat you as weak because I think you are intelligent and strong.

    • Animal
      Animal commented
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      It's the difference between having empathy for a friend (which I would barring very extreme circumstances like murder) .... vs. being socially shamed into "acknowledging my privilege" when really all I did was make a better decision. The factors that LEAD to a bad decision such as 'marrying the wrong person' may include a lack of privilege (ie. depression, financial desperation etc) but then I would feel for those reasons rather than viewing a bad decision as an accidental circumstance that was thrust upon someone, beyond their control.

    • SpiritoftheGael
      SpiritoftheGael commented
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      I am honestly just very fed up with men acting like women are these weak stupid people who need pity because they can't figure out on their own who to marry or who to have kids with. Nope just nope. They can fuck off, and that's why I was annoyed. They don't get to take the power of my own choices away from me even if my choice was stupid Animal All of the best men in my life, who by the way, protected me from sexual assault, also told me to my face if I was being stupid and credited me with my own actions and tried to teach me to live on my own. I just won't tolerate the bs from other men. I guess I should clarify that I was arguing with two guys about this, which was what inspired the post.
      Last edited by SpiritoftheGael; 12-10-2019, 04:31 PM.

    I'm unironically a major fan of the CIA now. basically, they've been the anti-communist commission since their inception and have been crushing the seeds of communism around the world for 60+ years


    • Animal
      Animal commented
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      Oh wow! I want to hear more about this..

    Liberalism is a political and moral philosophy based on liberty, consent of the governed and equality before the law. Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but they generally support limited government, individual rights, capitalism, democracy, secularism, gender equality, racial equality, internationalism, freedom of speech, freedom of the press and freedom of religion. [Wikipedia]
    "Liberals" are people who advocate for liberty.
    "Libtards" are people who believe the Democratic party is more liberal than the Republicans.

    In truth, neither party is liberal, but only one pretends to be.

    Only Libertarians espouse the full spectrum of liberal values.


      While it's definitely not cool to be a sycophant, neither does it make you cool to be completely dysfunctional in positions of low authority. The amount of time I've spent unemployed, constantly having to watch my back and going between jobs because I couldn't just play a little more nicely with others is not something you should wish to emulate. I'm only just learning the social skills necessarily to hold onto a single job for more than a year at 28. Definitely not a good look.


      • Animal
        Animal commented
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        Totally agree, there's something positive to be said for assimilation skills. I've been struggling with it my whole life too.

      • BalalaikaBoy
        BalalaikaBoy commented
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        thank God my wing is 9 and not 7 lmao. I have SOME means of getting along

      We should bring back dueling as a way for two people to settle problems.

      If someone wrongs you or a family member in a serious crime like rape or murder, you should have the right to personally deliver justice on that person.

      Assault laws should be a little more lax. If someone's being a piece of shit and causing a scene in a public place for instance, you should be able to knock some sense into them for the greater good without fear of an assault charge or possible jail time.

      Guarantee this would stop people from being assholes in a lot of instances. 90% of people who are assholes are assholes because people let them get away with it. If you had people unafraid of putting them in their place, maybe they'd think twice about their words and actions.


      • Qassim
        Qassim commented
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        I had a horrible dispute to my inheritance in the court system. I kept thinking how much quicker, cheaper, and probably MORE FAIR it would be if we just took 10 paces and fired. Instead if that putrid, demoralizing, life-destroying hoopla I was subject to.

        I advocate the return of the duel.

      1) On average, women and men are much, much more different than they are similar
      2) IQ varies significantly along the lines of socioeconomic class
      3) a large percentage of that variation is genetic


        I'm sick of being "non judgmental" about people's sexual preferences. so many people out there are not even capable of real love, real loyalty, real intimacy. they're nothing but a bunch of r-selected rabbits with no depth, no virtue, no potential, and I hope the lot of them are brutally raped, captured by traffickers and shipped to Liberia.


        • Qassim
          Qassim commented
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          You know, I spout off about the soulless nature of mankind daily. They don't understand what life is really about, they just go around believing comforting little lies about life and love. I don't think most humans know what real love is.

        My rant from a chat today.

        the media has distorted a lot of things
        what we're experiencing now is "crony capitalism" which is corps in bed with government
        there's nothing free market about it
        countries like sweden that are doing well have more free market policy than we do
        less regulations
        they do have some socialism ie healthcare, b ut actually bernie is wrong to list them as examples of "his" model because what they do there is heavy on the free market.
        we used to have something like that here, a free market, but the gov has gotten big and got its hands in with the big corps.
        this is in no way a society of "everyone for themselves." no way. the media distorts this story for a purpose and they co-opted the word "capitalism."
        what it is, is a society of government bail outs, businesses donating to politicians, and politicians returning favors to businesses.
        it is 100% big gov, overreaching gov - bordering on some communist tactics
        anyone calling this free market 'everyone for themselves' when we have more laws than any other country in the world is completely brainwashed. and it's not their fault - it's the media
        what they do is coopt words like 'capitalism' and completely change and dilute the meaning, tricking our brains into thinking someting is happening which isnt actually happening
        the same way they force you to call a very manly person "her"
        and deny that sex when you're born is an actual thing
        like, no, transwomen will not get their period, get over it
        it's the same type of distortion
        except it's been happening for so long that people forgot what happened before. our grandparents were growing up in the 1920s, when woodrow wilson changed the school textbooks to start feeding us leftist indoctrination
        then saul alinsky wrote his book "rules for radicals" which told radicals to stop bombing buildings and instead to infiltrate the media, the government and the schools. this way within a certain number of years everyone would just believe their stories and think it's normal
        which is what we're seeing today.
        saul alinsky was hillary clinton's mentor
        and the people who were influenced by this person whose book is easy to find, are now in government (hillary, obama etc)
        saying we have a free market, individual run country -- with more laws than any other in the world???? and big bailouts --- this is an obvious lie
        yet it has been fed to us by the television all our lives
        you know why i saw through it?? because all my life i refused to watch television.
        instead i read about spirituality, transcendence and power
        i read hitler biographies
        i learned how power works
        and how influence is gained and lost
        and i was able to see through it
        because mein kampf has the same basic socialist principles as alinsky's 'rules for radicals' (yes the nazi was the nationalist socialist party)
        hitler's method was to take people's guns away and "give them free healthcare" but it wasnt free and it didn't work well
        nothing is free
        the idea is to feed people lies and divisive stories in order to weaken trust in our fellow citizens and in the economy so that we elect more and more and more government - which is why we see such a huge government now, overreaching with endless laws.
        and the lawyer culture.
        where people file lawsuits and the company has no choice but to settle, by paying a lot
        so basically you can just rip off whoever you want and this is what powerful people do to get more power
        most democratic presidents for a long time have been lawyers whereas republicans have been businesspeople or other fields
        so it's a culture of power games
        the textbooks in school tell us how horrible we are and that we slaughtered natives and enslaved blacks. they completely leave out the stories of black heroes, like the first self-made millionaire who was a black woman
        and the many black war heroes that show up in old paintings but have been plucked out of textbooks
        because this leaves black people feeling resentful that we pushed them down and they can't do any better than abject poverty; and this leaves white people feeling like black people havent contributed anything and are inferior, and then feeling guilty
        the mechanism of white guilt thus controls many white people
        and now you have this big divide between black and white citizens, who hate or feel guilty toward each other
        and affirmative action, ie the soft bigotry of low expectations
        the textbooks we were given, controlled this narrative. now, is it true? yes, much of the narrative is true. however they choose which parts to emphasize and which to leave out, since you can't include everything. so the choices of what themes to focus on are still choices. and setting it up in this context is a purposeful maneuver to brainwash people into feeling angry, defeated and divided by a certain narrative so they will elect more and more and more government and give them more and more and more power to 'fix things.'
        yet the bigger the gov gets, the worse things get for the average citizen
        we are now living in idiocracy degenerate culture. we have been fed a big fat lie and it's very easy to disprove just by looking into a few sources, such as 'rules for radicals.'
        'white guilt' by shelby steele (a black writer.)
        hitler's history: the parallels will jump out at you
        mein kampf
        the way to win the youth is through the schools and the media. hitler said it.
        he built nazi germany SO fast, out of a high level, educated society. how?
        the exact same propaganda is being pushed today.

        Click image for larger version  Name:	C7DVFbDWcAAtxTW.jpg Views:	0 Size:	92.8 KB ID:	8643

        this flier hangs up in universities.
        there are violent leftist mobs all over the country and right leaning people are kicked off various media, so nobody hears their pov. if their pov was just stupid misinformation, then why not let them talk so everyone can see that? no. the problem is it's a threat to the narrative.
        so they trained us to silence them, and soros funded protests such as the 99% and the antifa protests, though the groups did grow bigger beyond that
        but this culture of silencing people, this fascist culture, is manufactured
        calling someone 'racist' just for disagreeing with them
        booing them, major leftist figures saying right leaning speakers should be attacked in restaurants
        you may HATE the right
        or HATE the jew
        or whatever
        but you know, first they came for the jews....

        Click image for larger version  Name:	external-content.duckduckgo.jpg Views:	0 Size:	96.1 KB ID:	8644

        they are being silenced for a reason, the right
        and no matter how much you hate them, the culture that silenced them is still worse.
        this censorship points to really deep corruption
        there is so much i could say about this, so many sources i could post, with economists, philosophers, political scientists, etc speaking about this with much more clarity than i could hope to.
        things about sweden, made in sweden to explain their economy and why it isn't what bernie claims
        things about capitalism showing clearly what it actually means and how it was distorted by the media
        documentaries showing the process of changing school textbooks
        coverage of black history that was left out or taken out later
        government-run schools means government-run information. nothing is free.

        i'm not a republican. i'm not "right leaning." i'm not an anti-socialist or an anti-anything. my only enemy is indoctrination, slavery, censorship, and lies. i don't hate citizens. i hate the powerful people who brainwashed them. i've been on the receiving end of "government healthcare." all over the world, in the countries with "free" healthcare -- they pay high taxes, but chronic lyme is denied. they are denied diagnoses in europe, canada, austrailia. they write on my doctor's pages, begging them for something. anything. the richer ones come to the USA for care.
        chronic lyme is a worldwide epidemic. my doctor, who i see in person, goes around the world trying to get on their tv stations so he can publicize information about it, but he has to fight a huge battle to be given any air time. (the only station doing it here is fox news, as others told me, since i don't watch it.) he is not making much headway in europe to get this illness acknowledged.
        i've known people with other illnesses who immigrated here and their 'free health care' did not help them. one woman from sweden that i know, suffered from some simple stomach ailment for ten years, but that free health care did nothing. she paid some small sum and got cured in the USA, almost right away, and never wanted to leave - so she scrambled to get someone to marry her. and one of my friends happily complied.
        so yes, in some countries the system works better in the sense that people can get a free ambulence or get a broken leg fixed (after waiting on line for months).
        rich people still pay more to speed up the process.
        i know this as i've had roommates from many countries and my husband is belgian.
        however the "free" healthcare doesn't work for people whose illness doesn't happen to fall under a neat list. those whose ailments fit on that list are lucky and they reap the benefits of "free healthcare" (which isn't free - it comes from tax money). but then many people with other illnesses are left to rot. and those are the people who i end up meeting.
        the governments go way out of their way to deny the existence of many illnesses because they can't afford to deal with everything
        so those people show up in groups like my lyme groups on facebook, or even lyme doctors offices in person, sharing the horror stories from their "free healthcare" high tax countries.
        and how they are mistreated, gaslighted
        told they are crazy.
        this is not indoctrination from fox news. this is real human beings. and i know a lot of them because of the position i found myself in.
        healthcare isnt free
        education isnt free
        freedom isn't free.


          social darwinism and eugenics aren't 100% bad


          • Melancholia
            Melancholia commented
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            Why? I 100% disagree with you. Eugenics in particular is absolutely horrible, as those most affected by it are minorities and those with cognitive and developmental issues. Not to mention, eugenics 1000% supports abortion and forced sterilization.

          • BalalaikaBoy
            BalalaikaBoy commented
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            Right, and do you want developmentally compromised people reproducing? Eugenic racism is bad. Preventing low IQ people from breeding is not

          • Guest's Avatar
            Guest commented
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            Very true. Some people being allowed to reproduce does more harm than good, especially for the child itself. Generally low IQ people don't make very fit parents, in my opinion. Also, I also view abortion as a positive thing so there's that.

          Not a controversial opinion, but an opinion nonetheless. Strictness, discipline, stoicism, and hardline conservative values (not politically but the general mentality) are extremely underrated these days. Our culture instills the ethic of mediocrity and I'm surprised we're still a superpower with the caliber of people running around. Or maybe our superpower status makes us complacent. I'm a progressive in a lot of ways, but I have a conservative heart. You can't achieve the Dionysian effect of art without discipline and focus, and a lot of people just want to feel the effects but don't care to put in the effort.

          It seems like I've adopted my mother's Asian Tiger mom mentality being that American parents are too lax in instilling high standards in their kids so you end up with a populace that dresses terribly, is ignorant in the most important aspects of our society (just generally under-educated even with a college degree), a populace that doesn't read, and has abhorrent taste in music and films. I don't solely blame the parents since that's just a symptom of a bigger problem, and there are many factors that contribute to that. The town I live in is a great example of the above I described. It's full of losers with no ambition and no purpose, it's E9 sloth gone terribly wrong. And it's not about being high status and making a lot of money; it's the refusal to realize one's potential. It's the complacency of gorging oneself into oblivion on video games, alcohol, drugs, TV shows, social media, and junk food because you have nothing else going for you. Or you think you're perfect the way you are and deserve only the best, there's that mentality as well.

          The "your feelings are valid" mantra does have solid reasoning but it can easily be taken to excessive and self-victimizing levels. Some people take this mantra as an excuse to act irresponsibly because they felt wronged, hurt, angry, etc. And I would go as far to say that not all feelings are valid since feelings can be based on false premises. The takeaway is people need to stop and think about why they're reacting the way are and practice emotional discipline. I think the whole country (the whole world actually) is in need of cognitive and dialectical behavioral therapy.
          Last edited by Mahat; 03-18-2020, 08:24 AM.


          • Vive
            Vive commented
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            Also, this post made the impression I had described in your typing thread crystallize even more strongly.

          • Animal
            Animal commented
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            Obviously, I love this post!!!! "You can't achieve the Dionysian effect of art without discipline and focus, and a lot of people just want to feel the effects but don't care to put in the effort." I feel like this is the big takeaway from that post you wrote on art and my rant and your responses. I mean, we both knew this already, but that discussion somehow gave it the right words to put everything in place. In this sense I guess I am a snob about 'class' where art is concerned because the class comes from the Apollonian HARD WORK that an artist puts in so that they enable themselves to capture and convey the Dionysian.

          • Animal
            Animal commented
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            Some of my least favorite phrases:
            - Your feelings are valid
            - No child left behind
            - Everyone is unique
            - Beauty is subjective
            - Anyone can be an artist
            - IQ is meaningless
            - I'm offended



          • Animal
            Animal commented
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            I find 6w5 more your "dark and intense" archetype. Four and five may go further inward but this is because they travel inward AT THE EXPENSE OF involvement with what's outside. This can also create a subjective, self-sustaining framework that is being scrutinized only against itself or that which it chooses to acknowledge.

          • Daeva
            Daeva commented
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            Right. As the center of the head triad, it is the primo archetype for Angst, which can lead into Existential Angst.
            The "dizziness of freedom." Or in other words, type 6.

          • Qassim
            Qassim commented
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            I have a friend who is a confirmed 4, and he is honestly one of the most superficial people I know. He doesn't take things to any depth, he just sort of incorporates it into his inner world, which is riddled with magical thinking and unrealistic dreams. I personally find him avoidant of the real work that needs to be done and find that the Type 4 mystique is way, way, WAY over hyped in his case.


          I find 6w5 more your "dark and intense" archetype.
          depends on how you're defining "dark"

          for example
          Four and five may go further inward but this is because they travel inward AT THE EXPENSE OF involvement with what's outside. This can also create a subjective, self-sustaining framework that is being scrutinized only against itself or that which it chooses to acknowledge.
          this is a very good description of 4s and 5s, but imo, it's also a very clear kind of "dark", if by "dark" you mean disconnected, mysterious and general apathy toward most of the external world (as opposed to personal apathy which is more common among triangle types)

          6w5 dark is more "tormented and adversarial". 6w5 struggles against the darkness. 4s and 5s are at home there.


            1) no single word by itself can be hateful, it's all about context. an easy example: if I see a rich, well-dressed black dude and say "dayum! thaz a Wallstreet Nigga!"...obviously that isn't a pejorative, and if I were actually a racist, the sight of a powerful, class black man would give me the opposite of joy.
            2) Black Panther is actually kind of a good movie. similar to my last point, it was actually pretty bad ass to see a whole new developed culture of aristocratic black people with a fashion sense unlike anything I've ever seen before.


              Louis Armstrong has one of the most annoying voices in recorded history. I have no idea how he is considered some legendary standard of jazz/blues quality.

